Not the Droid You're Looking For's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Florida Geek Scene Reviews: 5
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Accelerators #1

Jun 12, 2013

All and all, the story, artwork, and dialogue all stand up, coming together in a fully realized and enjoyable comic. The only drawback is that nothing about this comic is very unique. Personally, I trend towards comics that stand out in some way, setting them apart from everything else on the shelf. The Accelerators plays it safe an all fronts. However, I'm still curious what happens in the next issue, and that is the most important thing.

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Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat #1

Jun 5, 2013

The art is pretty solid. Kevin Nowlans clean art style and noir chiaroscuro lends itself well to the subject matter, characters, and storyline. All and all, this comic delivers with nice artwork, a fun story, and the pretty consistent and appropriate dialogue.

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The Crow: Curare #1

Jun 19, 2013

Overall, I was impressed with this first issue. I recommend this comic to both fans of the original comic series and neophytes alike, with no real need to go back and read the earlier comics. OBarr has returned with a fresh standalone storyline that I look forward to reading further with each issue.

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The Deep Sea #1

May 29, 2013

In short, if you want a deep sea There is a kind of cool 50s retro feel to the beginning of the comic that possesses that classic pre-adventure happy-go-lucky air that lets the reader know things are going to get really bad. And things do get bad, it just happens a little too quickly for my taste, with little time for suspense to build or for any attachment to the character's to form. This may be the creative writing major in me beating down my inner comic book fan, but I just didn't care what happened to these characters. Perhaps I was simply irritated because I signed up for a deep sea adventure and ended up with a crazy time shift-vortex plot twist before I got to see a single glowing fish.

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The X-Files: Season 10 #1

Jun 26, 2013

Still, in light of the current NSA intelligence leaks courtesy of Edward Stowden, the fear of government conspiracies is at a fever pitch, and the time is ripe for out entertainment media to cater to all of our inner conspiracy theorists. Overall, this comic seems to be kicking off with the introduction of an interesting new order of antagonists that will entice fans of the franchise. On the flip side, people new to the series will likely find this comic to be a bit inaccessible. My advice is to either go back and watch the series from the start (which may take a while), or just watch Californication, which doesnt have any extraterrestrials or supernatural creatures, but has plenty of sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll.

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