Oliver Bourne's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Batman Universe Reviews: 2
6.0Avg. Review Rating

Batwoman (2017) #15

May 17, 2018

Overall, this was a decent issue as we get some resolution here with Kate and her strained relationships. The cliffhanger makes you wonder if Batwoman will have to answer for her sins to Batman.

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Batwoman (2017) #16

Jun 21, 2018

With this book nearing cancellation, I wonder if DC would consider pairing Kate with Jason in a series somewhere down the line. I would buy it. With all that being said, I do think Kate comes across as a hero and has proven herself as a member of the Bat-Family despite what her detractors may argue. I understand that her methods may have come across as controversial but not everybody is the same. Something tells me that with the conclusion of this arc, that the last issue or issues will be somewhat filler and that we will forget about this whole nonsense in a few months.

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