Richard Frankel's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 6
7.7Avg. Review Rating

Not since reading Watchmen have I been so interested in reading about characters. These people, these super heroes are as real as you and I and the series as a whole has always been based in the real world. It is always a real treat reading this book because you never know what you'll learn about the characters that grace this story's interior. Make no mistake; this is no super hero soap opera. It is a realistic look at real people and unbelievable circumstances. You'll be doing yourself great service reading about their adventures and their lives. And though this book is frequently late it never in the least disappoints. If you have any feedback regarding my reviews please send them to me by clicking on the name and e-mail above. Read and enjoy!

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I have learned that hype is usually indeed only hype and with this issue I was expecting more from the story since the writer has brought such groundbreaking Batman tales as The Long Halloween and Dark Victory. Both, these two showed us new facets with the title character being portrayed more along the lines of realism than through what was displayed here as the generic realization of the Batman. It was a standard, satisfactory tale that fans that have previously not read anything Batman in the comic books will surely enjoy. For the rest of you, expecting something different will have to wait and see how the story progresses. It may well develop into a memorable Batman story and judging by this first issue alone is unfair considering there is more to tell. Read and enjoy! If you'd like to contact me about this issue or my reviews in general please do via the link above.

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These guys can do better. The script felt rushed and unpolished. It felt almost like Azzarello had this as a second thought in mind, not caring if it lived up to his trademark as both a writer and a creator of 100 Bullets. I have read almost ten issues so far in this series and like with everything a bad apple turns up in the lot. I'm not giving up on this series because of one uninteresting tell. Far from it. I will be eagerly awaiting the next issue for I am unsure if the storyline in this issue will be later intertwined in future issues. Overall not the best of the bunch but I have a feeling that with everything else in this series, it will contribute justly. Enjoy and tell me what you think.

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What more can I say? Do yourself a favor and pick this up. You'll be amazed at what you can do in this storytelling medium. It is indeed different and unique. Nothing like you have ever read before. It may just be the greatest book published right now. Read and enjoy and tell me what you think.

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Will I buy the following issue? I believe so. This first issue in this arc's got me interested enough. That's for sure. Entertaining, yes. Anything above that? Definitely not yet. We'll just have to wait and see.

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I was thinking of giving up this series, but this new creative team has instilled new hope for the one shot genre. Take note of the writer and artist, Daniel Way and Leandro Fernandez. Tangled Web gives new creative teams the chance to show off their talents using characters from the Marvel Universe. It's a good idea on Marvel's part to show that they're interested in bringing new faces onto their team. If you've been hesitant coming aboard these series of one shots, then you should take another look. They tell good stories from people who have something of meaning to say.

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