Stephen Mitchell's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Graphic Policy Reviews: 4
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #20

May 1, 2013

This book, while coming in at an expensive $3.99, will be worth the money if youre a current subscriber of Action comics. Being that its in the middle of an arc, I would suggest picking up issue #19 before diving into it if youre looking for a jumping on point. The story is great, the art is superb and were heading for an epic showdown in the next issue that you wont want to miss!

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Justice League (2011) #18

Mar 27, 2013

This was an excellent jumping on point for new readers as we get to meet new characters and watch them interact with the core members of the League. This book leaves a door open for a new story arc coming up, although it hints that it may not get touched on until after Trinity War. Unless of course we just witnessed the start of it. It's that cryptic.

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Superman (2011) #19

Apr 24, 2013

This book is a must have if youve been reading Superman already, I dont need to tell you that because you already understand how great Lobdell and Rocafort have been together. But if you havent been reading, and are looking for a place to jump on board, this is a great place to start. With new villains, old villains and hints of things to come this book is setting you up for a great future run.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #3

Mar 31, 2013

There are a lot of characters in this book and it's pretty good at giving you a snapshot of who they are and why certain things may or may not bother them. That being said, the distracting side plot seems out of place and I'm not entirely sure what Storm and Puck are doing there. They seem like dead weight because the book is driven by Psylocke and she doesn't much listen to their opinions. Overall it's a good read but it's probably not for everyone. If you're a fan of Psylocke, it's a must have otherwise you may just want to wait until you can borrow a copy or the digital version drops in price.

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