Steve Roger's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Graphic Policy Reviews: 11
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Captain America: Sam Wilson #14

Oct 20, 2016

Overall this issue was good. There was a strong plot point and the dialogue was good and the art was fantastic, but the big surprise at the end pissed me off and I feel like they made Sam Wilson sound too much like a baby and a bit out of character.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Year Two #3

Mar 12, 2016

Rachel Scott on the other hand did a great job with the artwork. I think she could have been more detailed with Clara as she is probably one of the most beautiful women in all of time and space and the artwork with her does not do her justice. The Coloring by Ivan Nunes was dark and did not pop for me at all. Overall this comic wasnt memorable for me which is a shame because I am a huge fan of Doctor Who. But I dont think the show was ever meant to be turned into a comic book.

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Ghostbusters International #2

Feb 23, 2016

Overall the issue was well done. This is the first time I have ever picked up a Ghostbusters comic book and it reminded me a lot of the Real Ghostbusters cartoon back in the 1986 to 1991. I think IDW could have a real hit on their hands. Ghostbusters has always been a big attraction with the original movies, the video games that came out a few years ago and now the new Ghostbusters movie starring Melissa McCarthy coming out this summer. It's going to be a good time for anything Ghostbusters. I give this comic a must read!

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Ghostbusters International #3

Apr 8, 2016

Overall I am very satisfied with this issue, there was a lot of action (finally), there is still tons of mystery that makes you look forward to the next issue, which is key (gotta sell those future issues). As a side note here, how many of you readers tend to get emotionally sad to see Egon, even though it is in the form of art. I hope its not just me, I was really sad when Harold Ramis passed away, like a piece of my childhood died (please feel free to leave you thoughts in the comments section below). Anyway back to the original topic on hand, I think the creative team has done a really nice job of setting up the remaining issues for an epic conclusion. This issue is a must read.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #15

Feb 26, 2016

I thoroughly enjoyed this comic and I can't wait to read the next one. I was hoping it wasn't too far removed from what I grew up with as a child and it definitely was all there. Go out and get a copy immediately!

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #1

Mar 2, 2016

All in all, this was a great comic book. I love reading things that flash me back to my childhood, because shows back then were awesome and iconic and Powers Ranger going at 23 years strong will still be a round for at least a little while longer and I look forward to seeing what lies ahead for this franchise.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #2

Apr 11, 2016

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are just an iconic brand that unless you have been living under a rock or just born people are familiar with and you have to stay true to what the show was all about and the both Kyle and Hendry have done a nice job with keeping it real with the original show, but making the characters a bit more modern. I have really enjoyed the series so far even though we are only on issue number two. I would highly recommend you all go out and purchase yourself a copy today!

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Star Trek #55

Mar 12, 2016

Artistically, this book was very detailed and amazing! Tony Shasteen and Davide Mastrolonardo did a great job in bringing the characters to life on paper. Everyones likeness was on point as well as the coloring it all fit and nothing visually looked out of place. I look forward to seeing more of their artwork through the remaining 3 books of the “Legacy of Spock.” If you're a Trekkie, you are going to enjoy this book. If you are new to the Star Trek Universe, but are familiar with 2009 Star Trek movie reboot then you wont be lost and you too will enjoy this book. I give it a must buy!

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Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #2

May 13, 2016

Overall issue #2 was much better than the 1st issue and hopefully this trend will continue. Star Trek the Original Series is near and dear to a lot of people (not so much me as I grew up the Next Generation) and these fans want to see stories and characters that they are familiar with and have come to love. Trekkies like Star Wars fans get crabby when things are out of place and arent what they are supposed to be, but whats nice about this series is that I think it has the ability to bring a new generation of people to the Star Trek universe which I think doesnt get enough credit. I highly recommend you go out and buy a copy of this issue today!

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The Gingerdead Man #2

Mar 27, 2016

This series is definitely not for everyone, especially kids and those who get offended easily. Overall I was pleased with this issue. It was fun and different and I think that is what really drew me in. Dont get me wrong, I love the regular comics I am familiar with, but sometimes it is nice to switch it up sometimes. I would suggest that it be read, but its also not a comic that you absolutely have to put at the top of your reading list, but if you are looking for something different, this series is for you.

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Voltron: From the Ashes #6

Mar 2, 2016

Overall, this series was very satisfying from this Voltron fans standpoint, I am really hoping at some point that Dynamite Entertainment will put out another Voltron series that maybe goes more in depth with their characters and story lines. Go out and get your copy of Voltron: From the Ashes #6 today, you wont regret it!

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