Zack Myers's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 17
7.8Avg. Review Rating

I'll admit it, I was one of the many skeptics who thought this new series of Thor being a woman was going to flop and be executed incorrectly. Thor is my all-time favorite super hero, how could I not get a tad skeptical when he is drastically changed? That being said, after this issue I feel better about the new Thor and how the previous Mjolnir-wielding Thor is still tied in with the story. There was plenty of action to showreaders how capable the new Thor is and her having conversations with her true self about how she managed to be worthygives her a personality, not just: “Hey, I'm Thor now.” It also raises the question about who is her true identity. Freyja? Jane Foster? Sif? I'm going to take this opportunity to say that my guess is Roz Solomon, and if she is, you all owe me a soda.

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This first issue had an interesting start as far as Deadpool comics go, but towards the end, it didn't quite feel like a Deadpool comic at all since he wasn't seen in the last half of the issue. The comic did have it's classic Deadpool humor added it to it though, but I wish I saw more action with Deadpool instead of Loki.

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Overall, the finale for this series was better than I expected, considering that the ending for Deadpool vs. Carnage was a let down, although seeing Deadpool in a full custom Nazi costume was really weird to see. The series had an interesting start but slowly got boring to me, it should be called Deadpool vs. Cable instead, since that's pretty much what happened the whole time.

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Overall this issue was a good read, I'm excited to see how the conclusion plays out. Hopefully it wont be sort of a let down like how the conclusion to Deadpool vs. Carnage was.

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Miguel is a great Spider-Man in this series, his costume looks cool, he can fight, and he's hilarious just like the Spidey we know and love. The comic itself is also great to read " it had action, the plot is interesting, and it contains quite a bit of humor too. I am a fan of the art style by Sliney, he did a great job illustrating the comic which makes it more enjoyable to read. As of right now, this series is one of the few I am excited to keep up with and can't wait to read the next issue for.

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The only problem I had with this issue is Mister Knife. Though we only see him on the last page of the issue, he just doesn't seem so threatening, with a name like "Mister Knife". I know comics involving characters from the Guardians of the Galaxy always contain some humor, but they could have came up with a better name. Only time will tell to see if Mister Knife is as threatening as they say. Overall, this issue was a good read, and I plan on keeping up with the series.

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Besides this very anti-climactic issue, I really am a fan of the art style by Marquez. Even though the comic isn't exciting to read, at least it's nice to look at. The story line is interesting, with Peter Parker and Green Goblin back to life and all, but having three straight issues without ANY Spider-Man action really doesn't make this a Spider-Man comic, it's just getting boring. Maybe in the next issue the fight with Spider-Man and Green Goblin will save the series"if it even happens.

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Most of the comic was hilarious. Rocket Raccoon is such a great and funny character and Skottie Young depicted him well. Reading this comic was a nice change from all of the more serious comics out there. The art style was also different, creating a more cartoony look with bright colors and cute looking characters. For those who are looking foreword to the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, this is one comic you want to pick up.

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The only part in this issue that let me down was the conclusion. Deadpool uses one of his symbiote powers to cloak Carnage's new lover, Shriek, to look like Deadpool. Fooled by the illusion, Carnage attacks Shriek and completely mutilates her. Discovering what he did, Carnage loses his mind and instead of going after Deadpool, he locks HIMSELF in a prison cell until he can get his mind straight. I wasn't expecting one of them dying in order for there to be a winner, but that ending could have been better. Even though the ending was a let down, the rest of the series was very entertaining, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys Carnage or Deadpool.

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The art style by Mark Farmer was unique; the comic has a very retro look thanks to the heavy shading and the character's old costumes. It felt like I was reading a continuation of an issue from the 70's. The story isn't very intriguing yet, but for a first issue, it's a good start.

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The series is an interesting read, giving fans a new look on the origin of Spider-Man. I just wish Peter Parker wasn't so edgy and whiney all the time about money. Hopefully his personality changes before it ruins the whole series.

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Other than the lack of action, the comic has a handful of interesting stories I'm waiting to unfold, so hopefully I can finally see a fight with Spider-Man in the next issue.

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This issue isn't at all terrible; the epic fight with Galactus makes up for the unfitting villain that is the Minotaur. I enjoy the artwork, but at times it can be a little weird to look at. The next issue is the conclusion of the five-part series and I'm excited to see how the battle ends with King Thor and Galactus, and the Minotaur too"I guess.

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Nightcrawler #2 was a great second issue to the series. The origin of Nightcrawler was a nice addition as well as the intense fight scene with his former circus partners. Though this issue lacked story progression, it still made for an entertaining read.

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Although the modernization of a mostly retro-looking comic threw me off at times, I still enjoyed the comic and advise any Spider-Man fans to pick it up. I'm also excited to see how the story continues with the newly introduced hero, Clash.

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It seems that Peter Parker is making a comeback in every form of Spidey entertainment this month. The conclusion of this issue was very surprising now that Peter Parker is resurrected from the dead. I'm interested in continuing the series to see how he was brought back to life and what role he will play in the story. Is it the real Peter Parker? Will he join Miles in fighting crime? Only time will tell.

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"The Amazing Spider-Man" #1 is a great start to a series, and I know Spider-Man fans everywhere will be dying to get their hands on the next issue. Just the fact that Peter Parker is Spider-Man again makes this comic good enough for readers. This comic has your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man feel to it, which many fans missed so much. I can't wait to see how the story folds out and what situations Spider-Man will get himself into this time.

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