From two-time Eisner and Harvey Award nominee Mark Russell and hot new talent Roberto Meli comes a compelling new sci-fi series...
Traveling to Mars tells the story of former pet store manager Roy Livingston, the first human to ever set foot on Mars. Roy was chosen for this unlikely mission for one simple reason: he is terminally ill and therefore has no expectation of returning. Roy is joined on his mission to Mars by Leopold and Albert, two Mars rovers equipped with artificial intelligence, who look upon the dying pet store manager as a sort of god. Against the backdrop of not only his waning days but those of human civilization as wel more
Traveling to Mars #1 is one part ‘Silent Running' and one part a figurative journey in finding yourself as Roy Livingston sets off on a one-way trip to the red planet to claim it for Corporate America. Mark Russell and Roberto Meli deliver a very personal and profound sci-fi yarn you can't help but connect with. Read Full Review
Traveling to Mars #1 delivers a story of reflection. We're teased with the story of a man who hasn't done much with his life and finding meaning in his final days. I'm positive we're going to see a lot of surprises as the story progresses as Livingstone reflects on life and deals with his new robot friends. This feels like a series that's going to not just deliver some laughs but also very well might tug at heart strings as well. Read Full Review
Traveling To Mars #1 would've been better off as an FCBD introduction or a #0, but the focus on backstory without much else made this a bore to read. Read Full Review
Heartbreaking and hilarious, the promise delivered by any Mark Russell book.
Beautiful premise, well paced with convincing dialogue from Russell as always. Highly recommended.