Dollface #3

Writer: Dan Mendoza, Bryan Seaton Artist: Dan Mendoza Publisher: Action Lab Comics Release Date: March 22, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
8.5Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

DollFace and company finally arrived to their destination of the mystical necronomicon book. But will Zombie Tramp hand it over without a fight?

  • 9.5
    The Broken Infinite - Jeremias De Leon Mar 21, 2017

    If you think Dollface is just some dumb comic where there's nudity and violence just for the sake of it you'd be wrong and this issue really drives that home. Doll face's anger and sadness really makes sense. Her brutal fighting style as well makes sense, all her rage would be expressed in that way. Then there's the ending that I did not see coming and makes a great twist. Though I do not like how abrupt it was. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Mar 22, 2017

    While I'm running out of things to say in reviews for DollFace, I'll at least cover the next few to get a sense of the ending of the first arc and the start of the second arc. Then, much like I've done with Zombie Tramp, I'll jump on and off the reviews. Otherwise, it'll just end up being blah, blah, love the art, blah, blah, that joke worked, blah, blah more action or some such nonsense. In the meantime, if you've been reading the series, then don't stop now. If you haven't, well it's my opinion that you should give anything not from the corporate side of comics a chance because that's the only way the industry can grow and strive. DollFace is worth trying so give it a shot and pick up a copy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek-O-Rama - Brian Belanger Apr 7, 2017

    This was a great follow up to some of the early events of the unusual trio, learning more of how they started out. We've still yet to see what happens with Janey and the results of finding the Necronomicon. But, that gives us all the more reason to continue buying issues, not that we needed it. Read Full Review

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