A rising conspiracy worms through the City by the Sea, from the alleys of the rats to the penthouses of the new and powerful cyborg creatures...
From the brilliant mind of creator/writer Marguerite Bennett (INSEXTS, Bombshells and Batwoman) with artwork by SHIPWRECK's Eric Gapstur-ANIMOSITY: EVOLUTION is an exciting new series that expands upon this already amazing world!
What price is the progress of the new world? It upends communities, creates black markets, and makes the innocent jaded. Bennett makes this an absolute page turner and the visuals make the creatures personified without diminishing their natural appearances. Animosity: Evolution is a powerful and entertaining read. Read Full Review
Animosity: Evolution #4 gives absorbing insight into how this world works in practice now that everything has been overturned by the talking animals. Its always a bit of a treat when this kind of sociopolitical discourse can be accomplished with talking animals. Between a thoughtful narrative and solid artwork, Animosity: Evolution #4 earns a strong recommendation. Give it a read. Read Full Review
The mystery only promises to deepen as the series continues, and this latest issue ends with a fairly shocking change of demeanour from a small group of established characters. Bennett continues to add layer upon layer to her richly developed Animosity universe, and while the Evolution series is definitely more of a slow-burner than the main title, theres still more than enough of the same blend of drama and emotion on display here to make this a highly recommended purchase. Read Full Review
The plot is intriguing but there is a glaring technical error: at one point, Wintermute asks Dr. Pham and Peaches to leave the room after it was clearly established, in multiple panels, that they were not in the same room but a separate building. I enjoy reading how this new society does things such as manual labour that can be done easily by machines, because they live by a unique sort of bootstraps communism.