When a young roughneck lands in Silver City, the gritty, purgatorial metropolis of the afterlife, she must adapt to her new existence, while attempting to uncov-er how and why she died. Her mission is derailed, however, when she rescues a newly dead girl from a mysterious kidnapping attempt, and discovers powerful, kinetic abilities.
Welcome to Silver City, where the sun never rises and nothing ever chang-es...until now.
Tragic and gorgeous with a world-building sensibility rarely seen in independent comics. Read Full Review
As someone who thinks about their own mortality far more often than they should, I'm going to have a hell of a hard time with this book on that level. At the same time, it's a great concept to work with from what's been put down here so far and I'm excited to peel back the layers of it as Ru definitely is more than she seems. Junie's tale is what's going to make or break the second issue I think and how people are supposed to fit in and it's looking to be a ride. Cuartero-Briggs uses dialogue well here in a way that felt a lot more natural than a lot of other books I read and has the characters asking questions they should that aren't as they hold the “stupid ball” too often. Merli's artwork is fantastic and the way they're bringing things to life has me really curious to see what kind of real creativity is yet to come here as it can go pretty wild with this concept. Read Full Review
. I'm intrigued to see whether or not Silver City can keep up the momentum of this first issue, but either way, I'm enjoying getting lost within its world. Read Full Review
I would pass on this book, to be honest. This book just really isn’t that good. There are several other books out today that would be better to spend your hard earned money on. With comics costing what they do, I just can’t in good conscience recommend this book. Read Full Review
Lots to rave about with the debut issue of silvercitycomic by olivia briggs, luca merli daveLsharpe and AfterShock Comics. I've always been a sucker for stories where the protagonist is drip fed revelations in tandem with the reader. More of this type of thing please.