Continuing the smash-hit miniseries co-created by Pulitzer nominee Matt Bors! The Prince of Bubble City, feeling unpopular, orders helicopters to drop pallets of cash on the impoverished Uninhabited Zone, stirring its denizens into chaos. That, and the onslaught of the revolutionary Libra Gang, add up to another lousy shift for UZ cops Swamp and Schitt.
At four issues in, Justice Warriors feels like it should be the bridge comic, the thing that ties "visits the store every Wednesday people with the "reads whatever's hot on the internet people. In the vein of shows like Smiling Friends, you either recommend it or get it recommended to you. Read Full Review
With a biting satirical backbone and an irreverent sense of humor, 'Justice Warriors' continues to delight in the absurd and we as readers are better for it. Read Full Review
Justice Warriors #4 opens less surefooted than some of the past issuesperhaps it's because it's more talkative and expository than others?but it finds its pace soon enough once the buddy-cop escapades resume. Read Full Review
As a Libra, I'm feeling a bit stereotyped here, and I just want to say, it's not okay. #NotAllLibras are terrorists.