Final issue! Penultiman's artificial understudy, Antepenultiman, has patiently tried to repair the superhero's self-loathing attitude - but now the android's patience is gone! Can a sidekick force a hero to heal? Also: bonus illustrated prose stories!
I love an ambiguous ending. Was AntePenulitman really Penultiman the whole time or did they switch places? Was there ever a moment where we could know for sure? Does it matter? It may to some folks, but for me, this was just what I needed. I have a pretty satisfying ending with a crack left open for more should Tom and Alan want to do more. Thanks guys. It has been an excellent series. Read Full Review
They are incisive, sharp, and witty. The art by Alan Robinson is pretty damn great too, and together they have made one hell of a good comic. Read Full Review
Penultiman #5 does the difficult task of concluding a series satisfactorily. On one hand, it gives readers a story that delivers on what the series has built towards and on the other it develops interest in where this story could go in the future. Read Full Review