While investigating Earth-Zeta, the source of their worlds' deadly pollution, Dragonfly and Dragonflyman can't stop fighting over who gets to drive the Dragon Wagon. Illustrated prose fiction rounds out the issue.
It transcends the superhero genre as well and has become something wholly unique. Read Full Review
The Wrong Earth: Night And Day #3, like previous issues also include a couple of prose pieces that aren't necessarily required reading, but are certainly nice additions to a comic that was already worth buying on the merits of its main story (which clocks in around 20 odd pages). Wrong Earth is fast becoming one of my most anticipated series " whether you start with this volume or you pick up the first trade, you really can't go wrong with this. Peyer walks the line between tongue in cheek send-up and deadly serious story in the same way a tightrope walker moves across the rope " with impeccable balance. Read Full Review
'The Wrong Earth: Night & Day' #3 is totally fun and satirically relevant. Peyer and Igle put together a smart and subversive tale about superheroes that cuts sharply with wit and style. It really is one of the year's best comics and thoroughly entertaining. Read Full Review
This is good superhero fare"nothing groundbreaking, but enjoyable nonetheless. Read Full Review