Midnight Mystery #1
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Midnight Mystery #1

Writer: Bernie Gonzalez Artist: Bernie Gonzalez Publisher: Alterna Comics Release Date: October 31, 2018 Cover Price: $1.5 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

Follow the strange adventures of detective Zeke King as he goes from case to horrifying case. In this issue: King's latest case goes from freaky to fatal when he's hired to find the lost son of a deceased horror host! The mystery begins in this new supernatural horror series!

  • 9.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Nov 1, 2018

    Alterna Comics, for those not aware, uses the retro paradigm of publishing on newsprint, just like comics were printed when I was growing up. The upshot of this means the looks of the book have a certain nostalgic aesthetic to them, but they also come at a much lower price point. MIDNIGHT MYSTERY #1, like almost all Alterna Comics, is cover-priced at $1.50, something this reviewer hasn't seen since the mid-to-late 1980s. That alone should be reason enough to tempt new readers to give this a try. After that, the story itself will be proof you chose wisely. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    I Review Comics Dec 31, 2018

    A few years ago I used to listen to Coast to Coast Am with George Noory. For those unfamiliar with the broadcast, George and his panel typically discuss supernatural stories and events that happen in the news. These stories are presented as matter of fact and the impression is that the stories are real. The listener is allowed to draw their own conclusions about the event in question no matter how strange they may seem. 

    I mention Coast to Coast AM because I got a similar vibe reading this title. Ezekiel "Zeke" King is a private detective that has extensive experience with the unexplained. To make sense of his experiences Zeke records his case files in a manner similar to that of a radio host. Imagine the aforementioned George more

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