BubbleGun #4

Writer: Mark Roslan Artist: Angel Tovar Publisher: Aspen Comics Release Date: August 23, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The BubbleGun crew return for more high stakes jobs!
Asher has been captured and is now in the clutches of his biological father, Theon, a megalomaniacal engineer aspiring to take over the world. How? Not by himself, but working with someone from the team's unwelcome past! Meanwhile, the crew licks their wounds as their confidence is shattered. With their teammate taken, will they come together, or will they come undone?!

  • 8.5
    SnapPow.com - Harrison Rawdin Aug 23, 2017

    BubbleGun Vol. 2 #4 is a success from start to finish. What this Aspen title sports is tech, wit and plenty of fun that's bound to please fans and curious onlookers. It's has all the best features of a well written comic that just deserves recognition, praise and a spot in your buy pile. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Broken Infinite - Jeremias De Leon Aug 22, 2017

    This was a lot of fun to read. As has been previous issues. The creative team behind this comic seem to developing and maturing their talents as much as Molli's character herself has grown. Definitely recommended to anyone who wants to read a fun sci-fi story. BubbleGun # 3 (vol 2) gets an 8.5 out of 10 Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Aug 23, 2017

    This comic isnt good. It has its charms, and it has intent. However, its all so middle of the road that theres nothing this can give you that other, better entries in the sci-fi action genre cant give you. I recommend Running Man. Its my favorite Schwarzenegger movie and Richard Dawson is an absolute delight in it. Read Full Review

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