A frozen apocalyptic story in the spirit of Mad Max, Fallout, and Borderlands meets Tarantino. It begins with Berny, a psychedelic addict surviving in a glacial wasteland. A fight with brutal gunslingers ensues and crazy hallucinations lead our weird hero on a quest to find the hole of truth... Yeah, a mystic hole that tells the truth. The only thing we can promise is: a lot of death!
This issue is a mature reader's romp to nowhere. I got a very Borderlands-style vibe, and being a big fan of that franchise; it's absolutely a compliment. Freak Snow wages a war of stylish violence and the insight of a madman, and the execution is fantastic. Read Full Review
It's a unique ride. Pulled the full series. One of the most creative series I have seen in years. Marvel, give those guys a Moon Knight run!!!