Critter #4

Publisher: Big Dog Ink Release Date: November 2, 2011 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Nov 6, 2011

    The writing and art is still very good and you can check outthe review for the third issue if you want to read me gushing over it again.Otherwise it's still very good and frankly it has a really high productionvalue for an indie book. I think that's something that has always set Big DogInk and Critter apart from othercompanies and books trying to do the same thing, is the production value. If you've been reading Critter then you'rein store for some changes, but not every change is bad and Hutchison has a goodtrack record thus far. The book is going to continue as an ongoing and Ibelieve will return in 2012 with the fifth issue so expect more Critter in the future. Read Full Review

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