Shahrazad #3

Writer: Kari Castor, Kim Hutchison Artist: Mike Krome Publisher: Big Dog Ink Release Date: June 3, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The first re-mastered debut from Aspen's Big Dog Ink imprint continues!
It seems everyone is out for Shahrazad's head, yet there is one who finds her life intriguing enough to keep her alive. Janus sends Shahrazad to the arena to see if he can create an ending for this woman who's future is as uncertain as her life!

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Ian Yarington Jun 9, 2015

    I feel that Shahrazad is creatively written and masterfully drawn and lettered, not sure what else I could ask for in a book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Herotaku - Frankie Rodriguez Jun 5, 2015

    While the lead is not as predominant in this issue, it was still pretty solid. The art was superb. The pacing was good. There was great dialogue. The challenges were interesting. The book just felt a little out of balance for me because we saw almost more of Janus and the crew than her. Still, Shahrazad still made an impact and the book was enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Jun 5, 2015

    While the lead was not as predominant in this issue, it was still pretty solid. The art was superb. The pacing was good. There was great dialogue. The challenges were interesting and, overall, the book was enjoyable. The character development was great and I loved the back and forth between Janus and Shahrazad. Pretty fun read. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Jun 4, 2015

    While this might have been the series that could have saved BDI, it is a strange choice for Aspen to republish. The visuals here are fascinating, with an engaging heroine (though maybe a bit too much of the obvious) and with creatures and settings that are full of lush imagery. The problem is that the story never really catches up to it and furthermore almost seems to sacrifice itself in the name of the visual treats. If Aspen really wanted to do well by this series, they would let the creative team have another round of writing it and perhaps give them some guidance, because as it is, this series is lost in its own concept. Read Full Review

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