Higher Earth #5

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Joe Eisma Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: September 26, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
6.7Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

BRAND-NEW ARC! GREAT JUMPING-ON POINT FOR NEW READERS! Find out more about the Higher Earth empire and its deadly assassins as Sam Humphries dives deep into the infinite mythos that has everyone talking. A can’t-miss issue for fans and a perfect place for new readers to get started!

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Walt Kneeland Sep 28, 2012

    I still don't like the $3.99 price point, and I'm sick to death of variant covers (just give me a pinup gallery, please!)...but as far as the art and story go, this is another very good issue of an interesting series; one that I continue to be curious about where things go and to know more about the world(s) of Higher Earth. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geekality - Patrick Halpin Sep 25, 2012

    I really liked this. Concept wise it's not terribly new, there is some sort of dimensional bleed between realities and various technologies and people are passing between the parallel Earths and that's fine with me, this is the kind of concept that has a lot to explore. It reminds me a little of the show Fringe if you were to take out the investigation of weird science and just fast-forward to the black ops between dimensions. However my liking of this kind of concept is now what floor me about this book it was the ending. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - George Shunick Sep 27, 2012

    Higher Earth #5 doesnt take many risks but there are moments hinting at the serious potential for the series. Issue #5 is another solid entry in this young series and it keeps the soft sci-fi epic trotting forward. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Oct 5, 2012

    Higher Earth #5 isn't quite the "perfect jumping on point" as advertised, but I suppose that it's good enough for what it is. If anything, I have half a mind to check out earlier issues and see if there's more here, and that's at least a little something. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Sep 26, 2012

    There’s no doubt that this is a good issue, but it doesn’t compare to the last issue and really doesn’t feel like the right time for the amount of information that’s revealed. If this story had hit on issue seven it could easily have kicked off another story arc, but instead feels like a one shot story that was added so that the art team could get ahead on the book. Hopefully they do just that and get ahead so that way the next time Eisma jumps on the book it’s a bit more thrilling. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Sep 23, 2012

    What has been a very good series, hits a serious roadblock with this issue. Im not sure where Humphries is taking this arc but a poor start does not bode well for it. If youre reading this series, Id say give Humphries another shot to straighten out this arc. But, based on this issue, I couldnt recommend new readers rush out and read it. Read Full Review

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