Ladycastle #1

Writer: Delilah Dawson Artist: Ashley A. Woods Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: January 25, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7
7.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When King Mancastle and his mighty vassals ride off on crusade, the women left behind are not at all put out-that's a lot less armor polishing for them to do. Of course, when the men get themselves eaten by a dragon and leave a curse that attracts monsters to the castle...well, the women take umbrage with that. Now the blacksmith's wife Merinor is King, Princess Aeve is the Captain, and the only remaining (and least capable) knight Sir Riddick is tasked with teaching the ladies of the castle how to fight, defend, build, and do all manner of noisy things the men had been doing while the women assumed they were just drunk. Novelist Delilah S. D more

  • 10
    Comicosity - Mexi Gremillion Jan 25, 2017

    Theres a sense of understanding. The man grows with his students, his students become teachers themselves to him. Respect is forged. Ideas of the pastdiminished to a realm of ignorance. Only the truth stands now, and that truth is that that woman is the greatest and bravest of knights. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicsverse - Rana Jan 25, 2017

    LADYCASTLE #1 is an amazing and promising tale of the strongest kind of magic – female strength and camaraderie. It's the first of four issues to be released by Dawson and Woods, the next three likely to be as thrilling and beautiful as the first, with many, many more magical twists and turns guaranteed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Jan 25, 2017

    Instead of going straight into picaresque adventures, likePrincelessfor example,Ladycastle#1 stays in the bounds of its world and explores what makes a good society. It's like Plato'sRepublic, but sub out the philosopher king patriarchy for a badass matriarchy. Plus there's a dash of comedy and ye olde English from Delilah Dawson, some beautiful vistas from Ashley Woods, andAeve and her sister-turned-squire Gwyneff have an adorably combative relationship. The comic is loads of fun, and I wish the real world were a lot more likeLadycastle. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Doom Rocket - Arpad Okay Jan 23, 2017

    Ladycastle hits on that philosophy a little hard, but there is an intriguing finesse beneath that gives the genre conventions life. This book is shameless. It loves its fairy tale staples. Loves all things Medieval, Ren-Fest, Monty Python. And Ladycastle loves its ladies. A delightful premise, enlivened by true-life solidarity. A thinking book, melding the indulgent pleasures of youth with the real issues of the world. There's purpose in these pages, an agenda I am excited to see unfold over the course of the series. Read Full Review

  • 6.4
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Jan 30, 2017

    It's an enjoyable read and an interesting concept, but the execution is somewhat lacking. I really hope the next issues are bit tighter and focused. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Jan 24, 2017

    Overall, this is a solid opening for what should hopefully be a thoroughly enjoyable series. Im just keeping my fingers crossed that Dawson decides to hit the strengths of her story the humour, the feminism, the intriguing characters a little harder as the series progresses, otherwise Ladycastle could end up being a massively wasted opportunity of an otherwise five-star premise. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jan 25, 2017

    If you've never read Princeless, then you'll likely re-enjoy this anti-princess story. If you have, you're probably going to pick it apart of similarities, and I can't fault you on that. There's a lot of similarities that just don't have a place in a review. All that aside, though, it's not without its flaws, but neither is it without its charms. Unfortunately, the flaws outweighed the charms. Read Full Review

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