Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #112

Writer: Melissa Flores Artist: Hendry Prasetya Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: September 27, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
8.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

If three relationships at their breaking point weren't enough chaos for Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Tommy, Aisha and Matt have dark magic and possession to contend with!

Will their combined efforts be enough to break the evil spell, or will interpersonal conflict leave Matt to his vile fate?

  • 10
    Get Your Comic On - Dave Jones Sep 27, 2023

    Prepare to have your mind blown, this is some of the best creative work I have seen coming out of BOOM! Studios, elite levels of comic reading experience is to be had here a comic event that you just cannot miss. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Aguilar Sep 27, 2023

    "Darkest Hour" has already gotten off to a fantastic start, and I cannot wait to see what's around the next corner. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Sep 28, 2023

    MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #112 puts Mistress Vile and Dark Specter on the back burner to establish what happened in the Master Arch, explain the Morphin Grid, and give Billy the quest to save them all. Flores introduces cool new elements to Ranger lore to establish the challenge at hand while giving readers an exciting tease of things to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Sep 28, 2023

    Melissa Flores and Hendry Prasentya do an excellent job getting across how bad things are already at the start of Darkest Hour story throughout Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #112. All this is accomplished without the need of Mistress Vile or Dark Specter physically appearing in the second chapter. The overwhelming numbers in the villains army is enough to get over the hopeless situation all the Power Rangers find themselves in. It all lead to an ending where even more questions as to how the Power Rangers can overcome everything thrown their way that makes you want to read the next chapter asap. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Sep 30, 2023

    The focus is on the characters, right where it should be, but there are a bit too many characters to dig too deeply into any one or two rangers, which is a shame. Read Full Review

  • 7.0

    This issue was a bit slow when compared to the regular issue. It shifted focus from the last issue's cliffhanger, forcing us to wait another issue to see what happens there. I hate when a book does that. But there was a little interest in this issue. Matt will have to deal with something no other Ranger who's been controlled by the enemy has before. He took a life while it happened. This will be an interesting development for the character over time. It also leaves a shroud of questions over what will become of Promethea without Grace. Will it be abandoned or will someone else take charge? I never cared for Grace as a character, but her loss leaves a lot of interesting things ahead in this series I'm looking forward to seeing unfold.
    S more

  • 10
    pearjen Feb 23, 2024

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