The Fourth Planet is the brand new series from Chapterhouse Comics that The Examiner called "evocative and truly cosmic." The quarterly, written by Fred Kennedy and brilliantly illustrated by Miko Maciaszek, sets the stage where a stolen warship loaded with runaway human slaves crashes onto a planet with three warring races, the most advanced of which has only just begun using gunpowder weaponry. Vastly outnumbered, will the humans become the very thing they were running away from? The warship Lightstorm has crashed on an alien planet. Even though its occupants seek only survival, they become unwillingly entangled within the constant warring more
Rarely have I ever seen the story and art is such harmony. Read Full Review
While I have my nitpicks, I still loved this issue. The fighting, the technology, the characters, everything seems to be growing and developing more and more in this new world and I just want to keep reading! That's how you know its a good story. So make sure you pick up a copy of The Fourth Planet #4 at your local comic store. Read Full Review
Beautiful sci-fi story that develops beautifully and also depicts the characters in detail. The meeting of different worlds and the presentation of different political considerations are also not missing. Well told and interestingly illustrated.