Amala's Blade #3

Writer: Steve Horton Artist: Michael Dialynas Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 26, 2013 Critic Reviews: 8
8.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Master assassin Amala makes a startling discovery about her latest target that will change her life forever! And Amala’s day turns full of surprises when she’s thrown into an abandoned subway to face a Modifier monstrosity!

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Jeremy Whitley Jun 17, 2013

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Amala's Blade is good comics. There are industry pros and entire publishers that need to have a good long look at what's between these covers. It's rare that you get a trio of writer, artist, and character that are so dynamic. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jun 26, 2013

    I’m kind of bummed that there is only one more issue after this one, but hopefully with the positive response and sales we can count on at least another series. Horton and Dialynas make a wonderful team and I stand by their ability of being able to create and populate amazing worlds that belong among the top ranks of creators in the comic and animation industry. When I read this story I feel like I’m reading something special that is on the cusp of breaking through to all comic book readers. Dark Horse is a triple threat this week and Amala’s Blade is one of its best books period. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - ShadowJayd Jun 28, 2013

    As far as lead characters go, theres still so much to learn about Amala than is provided in these pages, but Horton does an impressive job creating a likeable character that possesses such questionably unlikeable traits. Heres hoping both writer and artist have more Amala goodies up their sleeve because one more issue doesnt seem like enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Sean A. Guynes Jun 25, 2013

    And I'm hoping thatAmala'sBladeis not the last we'll see of Horton andDialynas' wild world. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 26, 2013

    I don't know what Dark Horse is planning, but I really hope they pick this series up and make it ongoing. The adventure is exciting and as far as comics go there isn't anything else like it on the shelves. In a lot of ways I get a role playing game vibe from this series. As if Horton played it with his friends for years and then met up with Dialynas one day and realized together they could make one bangin' comic. Here's hoping they get to continue to bang on. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Jun 28, 2013

    Though the visual humor is still strong, this issue is a little rougher around the edges, artistically, than its earlier installments. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Jun 25, 2013

    The end of Amala's Blade #3 leaves a lot of questions to be answered in the next issue. As if you weren't already drawn in enough to stay on for the final issue, the last page of this comic leaves Amala in certain peril, and all with so many unanswered questions. The series has delivered everything on a silver platter up until now, and I'm sure Horton and Dialynas can deliver one last time. Here's hoping though that there is more coming down the road from these two in the vein of Amala's Blade. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Ashley Olien Jul 10, 2013

    Overall I didn't care for this issue, but if you've been reading this series and you like it so far, I'd say it's worth checking out. If you haven't been reading the series, I definitely wouldn't recommend starting with this issue. Read Full Review

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