B.P.R.D.: Vampire #1
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B.P.R.D.: Vampire #1

Writer: Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon, Mike Mignola Artist: Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: March 27, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 2
7.7Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

After the horrific events of B.P.R.D.: 1948, we follow one doomed agent’s quest for revenge against a clan of vampires and their Gorgon-eyed queen Hecate.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Jordan North Mar 27, 2013

    And that’s it; it’s simple, concise and to the point, but that doesn’t make me any less excited to see where it’s going. The short intro to Anders character and the first few pages where were shown a brief tease of just how despicable the vampires can be have me hooked, I want to see what’s down the rabbit hole for these characters. Add some wonderful art by the likes of Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon and Dave Stewart, and you have my money. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore and David Harper Mar 27, 2013

    This is the B.P.R.D. story I never knew I always wanted to be told. It's somehow different than the rest of the Mignolavese, yet steeped in it in a way that makes it feel like it belongs still. Incredible. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - ReadComicBooks Mar 27, 2013

    This is a really good beginning, or maybe continuation is a better word, to Mignola's view of Vampires in the world that he has spent twenty years building and crafting. It's been a long time coming and having artists and collaborators like Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon and Dave Stewart by his side seem like the perfect choice to tell this five-part tale. Make sure you strap in and hold on to your butts for this one. We're in for a crazy, Vampire filled ride with Mignola and company behind the wheel. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Sean Mar 27, 2013

    The art is unique, and despite its cartoonish quality, I enjoyed it, for the most part. Perhaps this is due to the massive bloodletting. The story has me curious in what direction it's going, and as this series will be a five-parter, I may actually be able to get emotionally invested in Agent Anders and the other characters. Not that we haven't seen him before. It's just nice to see one creator's take on a character for more than two issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Mar 31, 2013

    There is a lot of imagery in this book that fit that haunting beauty label, and it makes for a memorable read. Considering this book is done by a team of writer/artists, it's not surprising that the words and art support each other so readily, but it does make for a mighty satisfying reading experience. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Randall Austin Mar 27, 2013

    My fellow Ungrownups and Geeks, B.P.R.D.: Vampire #1 is definitely one to add to your collection. In fact, by one for the guy that sits next to you at work and have him (or her) read it on their break. It'll reel them in!!!Not sure if you want to spend the $3.50? Here's a good reason. The other day I spent $5.50 on a half cob salad. It was good, but it's gone. I've got to buy it again and spend another $5.50 if I want more. But for $3.50, I can have a comic with a brilliant story completed by an amazing team as many times as I want. Totally worth it!!! Go forth and add this to your collection! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Nat Webb Mar 31, 2013

    There isn't really any action in "B.P.R.D.: Vampire" #1, as the issue just sets the scene for things to come, so readers looking for fantastical fight scenes will be disappointed. But Moon and Ba create an appealingly sinister, nuanced mood that begins to blur the lines between man and monster. I suspect this theme will only grow across the rest of the series, and I'm looking forward to seeing that happen. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Daniel Alvarez Mar 29, 2013

    Overall, a pretty solid opener to this vampire themed mini-series. If the ending is anyindication,we can expect some vampire slaying Buffy style in the coming issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Sean Tonelli Mar 27, 2013

    BPRD: Vampires (#1 of 5) is a little thin to make it a must have for newcomers. But those who'd follow Mignola and team down any dark alley know that slow and steady always wins the race. Hopefully next week's Abe Sapien solo series can light a little fire while we brace for 'The End.' Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bloody Disgusting - GreenBarstard Mar 28, 2013

    Artistic differences aside, this book is off to a promising start. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Mar 28, 2013

    I'm a big fan of the creators involved, and seeing the Ba/Moon team adjust their style to fit Mignola's world, doing even more with shadow than usual, is intriguing, but this needs to move faster in issue two. Read Full Review

  • 10
    souboy Oct 28, 2022

    READ IT!

  • 7.0
    GreyMouser Mar 28, 2013

    $3.50, 22pgs. all ADs @ back. ___ While i am very fond of BPRD and the Mignolaverse in genral, i tend not to enjoy vampire comics. At one time i did but i feel the creature over saturated media, like zombies are now. Mignola has had good track run with it, but im not sure how i will feel about this series. Not a lot to judge from the first issue, except that Ba and Moon are fine artists. The opening pages are wonderful, made that much better by Dave Stewart's ever fantastic colors and tones. BPRD in general has been getting mundane to me, so little of the old creature packed cast. Still, this was a good read if a bit slow. Nice cover.

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