Catalyst Comix #6

Writer: Joe Casey Artist: Paul Maybury, Ulises Farinas, Dan McDaid Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: December 4, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
4.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The hits come harder and faster, with 28 big pages of modern-age madness! In this earth-shattering issue, Amazing Grace goes galactic, Frank Wells practices transcendental annihilation, and the Agents of Change stick it to reality!

  • 5.5
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Dec 3, 2013

    This review is already running long so I'll try and sum this up very quickly; Catalyst Comix #6 still isn't a good comic but it is better then the past 3 issues I've reviewed meaning Catalyst Comix has finally clawed its way up to being mediocre instead of bad. The artwork is passable if suffering from poor coloring, the stories are okay for the most part, and there's overall less to hate then previous installments. I still don't recommend it but if you did feel inclined to read it I guess it won't hurt anyone. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dec 3, 2013

    Though it seems like this could be an off-the-wall, crazy-Casey fuelled indie style revisit to a seemingly forgotten corner of the 90s superhero explosion, instead I found Catalyst Comix to be a disappointing mixed bag. We get hints of Casey-kookiness and a few pages of brilliant art, but it simply isn't enough. If you're going to make a book that aims to break the fundamentals of mainstream superhero standards, you're going to want better art (throughout). If you're going to get Rafael Grampa, Paul Pope and Brendan McCarthy to do covers, you're going to want to let them go nuts, not limit them to character sketches. If you're going to buy Catalyst Comix #6 without reading the first five, you're going to want to lower your expectations. Read Full Review

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