Ghost #0
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Ghost #0

Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick Artist: Phil Noto Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: September 19, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 2
6.7Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

Former journalist Vaughn Barnes has been reduced to moonlighting as cameraman for the shoddy paranormal-investigation cable TV show Phantom Finders. But when a curious device summons the specter of a beautiful, translucent woman, Vaughn is plunged into a mystery of criminal intrigue that spans two worlds! Kelly Sue DeConnick and Phil Noto launch their exciting new take on one of Dark Horses most popular characters ever!

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - J. Skyler Oct 25, 2012

    Ghost actually says and does very little in the prequel but the mystery that surrounds her, who she is and where she comes from, is enough to keep you reading thanks to the excellent characterization of Tommy Byers and Vaughn Barnes, who are trying to solve it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - thorverine Sep 19, 2012

    DeConnick and Noto have a good set up to the miniseries. One of the only things I can knock is some of the panel layout choices. There is a long stretch in the latter half of the story that sees 4 widescreen panels stacked on top of each other. In places this makes the speech bubbles pile up and block the entirety of the space between the two characters interacting. I like the widescreen shots that can really showcase artistic creativity, but this is a case where scaling it back by one or two wouldn't have hurt. That small quibble aside, it's a strong introduction. I give Ghost a 4/5. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Sep 20, 2012

    In the past year or two — in case you haven't noticed — more than a few characters and franchises have been rebooted. DeConnick and Noto's “Ghost,” though, is one of the few reboots done right. Whether you're a long-time fan of the character, someone who has wanted to check her out for a while, a follower of DeConnick and/or Noto, or, finally, just someone who loves good comics, give #0 a try and see if you like it. You just might. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Sep 18, 2012

    With great moments of mystery & humour, this is a solid enough new beginning for a strong female protagonist in a strong male dominated super hero world. I will definitely stick around for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Sep 18, 2012

    Fans of supernatural fiction and mysteries will want to check out this book. After reading this issue I definitely will be along for the ride with this miniseries. The strength of DeConnicks writing and wonderful characterization are more than enough to pique my interest. Notos art goes together with this story like peanut butter and chocolate (mmm Reeses). I believe DeConnick and Noto have some pretty cool tricks up their sleeves, which they will reveal in the coming issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Zack Davisson Sep 12, 2012

    This zero issue is being followed by a four-part mini-series, In the Smoke and Din. I will pick it up to see if the team improves at all over this first try, but I don't have high hopes. At least I hope Deconnick will tone down the "bro" talk, as that would make the story immeasurably more enjoyable to read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - BigJ Sep 20, 2012

    Ghost #0 works mostly as a teaser issue that sets up the impending mini-series “In The Smoke & Din”, but it is a good first chapter from the creative team. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Sep 19, 2012

    Strangely, the most uneven part of the book is Phil Noto's art. If you loved his clean, beautiful work in Creator-Owned Heroes, you'll find yourself scratching your head here. Some pages look great. Others look choppy with downright sloppy color work. The backgrounds are minimal and the layouts are as straightforward and uninteresting as possible. This could all add up to a terrible looking issue, if his characters didn't look so freaking fantastic. You can see what they are feeling just by looking at their eyes. It's stunning and it's mixed in with a bunch of ho-hum pages which results in a slightly confusing package. I love Noto's work, but what we get here is not his best stuff. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Sep 21, 2012

    Not a terrible start for the new series, but at this point, it's mostly my confidence in DeConnick's abilities (and hope that the flaws in Noto's art might have reflected some kind of deadline pressure) that have me hopeful for future issues, more than anything actually in evidence this time around. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Syndicate - GI Jolie Oct 7, 2012

    If this series is a reboot based on Dark Horses previous Ghost-ly offering, the end of this book is just the beginning of [tiny SPOILER ALERT] a search for the truth. Im not terribly impressed yet, but Im slowly digging the story. I can wait to be blown away, Ill let you know when I review #1. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Brian Bannen Sep 24, 2012

    Longtime fans of Ghost may be pleased with having their character back, but for new readers this isn't a great introduction. The comic succeeds in setting up a mythos and a focus, but even Ghost's display of ability is still shunted in favor of Barnes' character development. But the title of the comic is Ghost, not Barnes. Ultimately, new readers will know less about the character than when they started. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Sep 25, 2012

    The central mystery of who and what the ghost is definitely drew me in, as did the closing pages. The sensitivity with which the aftereffects of the death is handled was refreshing and intriguing, proving to be the best showcase for DeConnick's writing ability in this issue. That one scene did more than anything else to excite me for the regular series. But the gaps in Noto's art unfortunately reduce this issue's mark, as does the over-the-top asinine nature of Tommy Byers. There is a lot of potential in these creators, but this issue did not fully develop it. Ghost #0 rates a middling two-and-a-half out of five stars. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Andy Liegl Sep 19, 2012

    This first installment of the new series pales in comparison to the first "Ghost" omnibus available through Dark Horse, but it's definitely not bad and I'm excited the character is back in the new millennium. DeConnick and Noto show potential, setting the stage for the players to move about in an engaging manner, but unfortunately the lack of focus on the leading lady and missing key beats make this #0 fall flat. Read Full Review

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