thorverine's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Therapy Reviews: 69
8.4Avg. Review Rating

47 Ronin #1

Oct 31, 2012

This is a historical retelling of 47 Ronin and is not a non-stop action-packed samurai story. It is a fantastic piece of Japanese history in an accessible format. If you are interested in a well put together story on samurai, it is for you. There will certainly be samurai action in the story, but don't let that be the only selling point for you, this story is so much more 5/5

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47 Ronin #2

Dec 26, 2012

The 47 Ronin is one Japanese tale that works perfectly in the comic book medium. Richardson and Sakai make the story feel Japanese while being accessible to all readers. If you're a fan of the culture and its legends, this is certainly one to check out.

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America's Got Powers #2

May 25, 2012

This issue furthers the story but still has enough action to keep it feeling fast paced. Hitch's art remains spectacular and Ross has a great story so far. I really loved the first issue and this one adds more to the story so I give it a solid score of 4.5/5

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America's Got Powers #3

Aug 22, 2012

The wait for AGP 3 was well worth it. The series continues with another strong entry. This is one series to pick up, you might not want to wait for the trade.

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America's Got Powers #4

Dec 19, 2012

America's Got Powers #4 was well worth the wait. Ross crafts a brilliant issue and Hitch provides great art as always. The middle issue does a brilliant job of bringing everything together and setting it up for the finale. I don't know how long we'll have to wait for #5, but it will certainly be worth it.

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Clone #3

Jan 10, 2013

Clones is quickly becoming one of Images' best series. I'll admit this one flew under my radar, but I've quickly rectified this mishap. What could have easily been another take on an old and clichd sci-fi theme has become a great and compelling story. Don't make the same mistake I did, go give Clone a chance.

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Creator Owned Heroes #1

Jun 1, 2012

Creator-Owned Heroes is a great magazine. It does feature two fantastic comics, but at its heart it feels like a magazine. The two comics are well worth the $3.99 but to have the articles, interviews, cosplay feature, and con photos, it really make sure you get your money's worth and then some. For something that costs no more than a single issue of a mainstream comic, this is a must get.

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Creator Owned Heroes #2

Jul 3, 2012

This issue isn't quite as strong as the previous, but in fairness a first issue should knock your socks off. I commend the team for trying something fresh and new, and they are doing a good job so far. This issue feels a little more like they did things they found interesting, and for the most part it is. There are a few things that don't quite please, but the comics more than make up for any lag in the article department. Creator-Owned Heroes continue to deliver 4/5.

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Creator Owned Heroes #3

Aug 8, 2012

Creator-Owned Heroes continues to impress. It's one of the best books out there and gets you the most for your comic buying dollar. If they keep this up, they are going to have to coin a term for a comic book magazine like this. We've had some before, but this is entirely unique. Momic? Comazine? I don't know, but if they use one of them I expect 10%.

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Doctor Who Vol. 3 #3

Dec 5, 2012

Other than the sometimes odd interactions between Rory and The Doctor, Seifert has crafted a nice story. It really ramps up at the end and gives us a sort-of-cliffhanger that we'll have to wait to see how it pays off next month. So far it doesn't feel like a two part story, but hopefully it can pick it up and run with it next issue 3.5/5

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Doctor Who Vol. 3 #4

Jan 2, 2013

The Doctor and the Nurse is as close to Doctor Who will probably ever get to The Hangover. With a wacky and wild story that uses time travel to the fullest, this is one the reader could easily imagine turned into an episode. The story is handled well but it does have a few hiccups on the way. Taken as a whole, Siefert has crafted an enjoyable Doctor Who story.

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Doctor Who Vol. 3 #5

Feb 6, 2013

Diggle throws a lot of surprises into his Doctor Who return. We have a very intriguing story that raises a lot of interesting questions. With The Doctor knowing Lady Christina's M.O. will he step in before she has a chance to claim her prize? For now it's more questions than answers, but it's a fun read 3.5/5

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Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #1

Jan 30, 2013

The Tiptons knock the first entry into the Doctor Who celebration out of the park. This is one that is accessible to newer Who fans while offering up a lot that will please and excite fans of the classics. When dealing with the classic Doctor Who series there's a lot to live up to. I went in with my magnifying glass and fine tooth comb looking for things to point out, but the Tiptons pleased even this Doctor Who fan 4.5/5

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Frankenstein Alive, Alive! #2

Nov 21, 2012

Niles and Wrightson deliver a story worthy of being the next chapter in Shelley's work. The start of her immortal story is serialized in the back of this issue, compared to the interview with Wrightson in the first one. Niles does a great job with the story, but this issue is all about the art. This is an absolute must have 5/5

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Ghost #0

Sep 19, 2012

DeConnick and Noto have a good set up to the miniseries. One of the only things I can knock is some of the panel layout choices. There is a long stretch in the latter half of the story that sees 4 widescreen panels stacked on top of each other. In places this makes the speech bubbles pile up and block the entirety of the space between the two characters interacting. I like the widescreen shots that can really showcase artistic creativity, but this is a case where scaling it back by one or two wouldn't have hurt. That small quibble aside, it's a strong introduction. I give Ghost a 4/5.

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Green Hornet: Year One Special #1

Jan 16, 2013

The Green Hornet Year One Special is truly that, special. With a touching story by Crosby and astounding old comic serial images, this book is one for Green Hornet fans new and old. With a different take on the dreamer meeting the hero angle, the script and art make something really fresh. Check this one out 4/5BioLatest Posts

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Hardcore #1

May 18, 2012

Kirkman has another great book on his hands. It seems everything he touches lately turns into pure gold and this just adds another to the list. It's an idea we have kind of seen before in some sci-fi shows and stories but it really works with the way it's told and the art is pretty great. Mark Silvestri has a great cover that will grab people's attention. Kirkman has a good story that is elevated with Brian Stelfreeze's art. Some of the panels in the beginning are brilliantly done and the action sequences are superb. Image just keeps rolling out great book after great book and is cementing a place with some of their books on my best of list. This book is definitely one to pick up and be on the lookout for. Kirkman seems to be making the jump from print to TV screen with a lot of his books, and I'd love to see this one do that as well.

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Jinnrise #1

Jan 9, 2013

Jinnrise is a solid introductory issue with a very unique and interesting premise. The first chapter doesn't knock your socks off, but it's enough to guarantee you will come back for the next part. Plus, the Jinn look amazing and pull off some incredible feats. Awan lays out a great concept with real possibility, so it will be interesting to see if he can smooth some things out and pull it off in the next issue I give this big summer blockbuster of an issue 4/5

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Judge Dredd #2

Dec 19, 2012

Judge Dredd #2 is how you tell a Dredd story. Both the larger story and the short entry make for a great read with some truly impressive art. If issue 1 left you feeling Dredd should get a death sentence, issue 2 won the case on appeal.

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Killogy #1

Oct 24, 2012

This is a good first issue to a really odd story. Roberts draws his celebrity muses perfectly and mixes in different genres for a unique storytelling experience. This is one to look into further, especially if you're a fan of the character models

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MacGyver: Fugitive Gauntlet #1

Oct 10, 2012

MacGyver is back with a bang. You have the classic feel of the show but slightly updated to keep it feeling too "80s." The story is a little too straightforward, but it sets up what's needed and seemingly ramps up the action for the remaining issues. As far as licensed books go, this is one of the better ones. I give it a 4.5/5

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MacGyver: Fugitive Gauntlet #2

Nov 28, 2012

MacGyver: Fugitive Gauntlet is shaping up to be a must read miniseries. Tony Lee and Lee David Zlotoff craft a great MacGyver story that keeps all the old Mac while making him feel like he is set in the present. A mixture of excellent storytelling and art helps make the transition from TV to comics flawless. Whether you pick it up as it goes along or you're a trade reader, check this one out 5/5

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MacGyver: Fugitive Gauntlet #4

Jan 31, 2013

MacGyver is back and better than ever. Four issues into this miniseries and I'm hoping we see a lot more of Mac. With one issue left, it looks like it's going to be a fast and wild ride. Lee and Zlotoff have a lot to finish up, but the finish line is in sight. With one issue to go, it will be interesting to see how they wrap it all up 4/5

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Mars Attacks KISS #1

Jan 9, 2013

KISS fans and Mars Attacks fans will probably be pleased with this installment in the five-part event. Casual readers of either beloved franchise may find it a bit corny, but it's a fun trip. With great art and a fun and rocking story, this is another stop in what seems to be a pretty fun miniseries 3.5/5BioLatest PoststhorverineSenior Writer & Feature Entertainment Editor at ComicBookTherapyI'm a comic book and movie nerd who loves to share news I find interesting and hope you do as well. I'm a big Doctor Who fan and sci-fi in general. My favorite comic characters you ask? Well Thor, Wolverine, and Daredevil.

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Mars Attacks Popeye #1

Jan 2, 2013

This is the perfect way to kick off the Mars Attacks crossover. Powell and Beatty craft a near perfect Popeye story, plus it has the addition of Mars Attack to put it over the top. If you love Popeye, Mars Attacks, or just great retro storytelling and art this is one you must pick up. Mars is attacking IDW and it seems like it's going to be great.

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Mars Attacks The Holidays #1

Oct 31, 2012

Mars Attacks The Holidays is a perfect collection that showcases four different styles with the theme of Martians. Some stories are stronger than others, but each one works well in its Holiday context. This is a great entry into Mars Attacks everyone can enjoy 4/5.

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Mars Attacks The Real Ghostbusters #1

Jan 16, 2013

Mars Attacks the Real Ghostbusters knocks it out of the park for an already great miniseries. With a great story full of humor that still takes risks by doing something new with the Martians, this is one of the best chapters in the Attacks event.

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Mars Attacks The Transformers #1

Jan 23, 2013

Mars Attacks Transformers is as good a crossover story as you could hope for. Fantastic art and a funny and action filled story combine to make a truly fun ride. Out of all the Mars Attacks books from this event, this one is certainly the most fun. Mars Attacks Transformers is a must get.

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Mars Attacks Zombies Vs. Robots #1

Jan 30, 2013

IDW created a pretty spectacular event with Mars Attacks. Each issue is loosely connected, but each offers up a fun and entertaining read. Every book in the event has been good, but this is a satisfying conclusion. Ryall picks up the baton and pushes Attacks across the finish line. Check all 5 issues out, but especially this one 4/5

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Masks #1

Nov 28, 2012

Masks is the pulp hero team-up book dreams are made of. Each character is handled masterfully and many more of the old favorites are going to show up in subsequent issues. With a great story that is reminiscent of the past our heroes were created in and amazing art by Alex Ross, this is one you cannot miss. Drop everything and go add this miniseries to your pull list. I've only said this in one other review, but I give this one a five because that's as high as it goes. 5/5

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Masks #2

Dec 19, 2012

The story is fantastic as the first issue and the art shift is handled well. Masks is one series you do not want to miss. The pulp heroes teaming up to fight a fascist government in New York has been and promises to be a great story. Roberson and Calero craft a fine comic that rises above the average run of the mill second issue transition

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Masks #3

Jan 23, 2013

Masks is a can't miss event. The best pulp heroes assemble to face a threat greater than themselves. Roberson crafts a great tale that stays true to the individual parts and Calero provides some vibrant work. If you aren't reading Masks, you're missing something special.

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Night Stalker #1

Jun 29, 2012

Harding makes a fantastic first issue with entertaining characters. The hellion Azrael doesn't utter a single word, but he stills much of the show. At a whopping 60+ pages, it is well worth the price tag. This is one to look for when it is solicited in July. You can check out the Night Stalker site here for more information. I give Night Stalker a 4/5.

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Non-Humans #1

Oct 3, 2012

Brunswick and Portacio craft a unique tale, but it could use a little more backstory for a first issue. Non-Human has a lot of potential, and hopefully the remaining three issues will deliver that and then some. Detective Aimes seems to be an analog cop in a digital world full of inanimate objects come to life. The story is poised to deliver some big ideas, and hopefully it will. The score is 3/5.

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Once Upon a Time Machine #1

Oct 9, 2012

This is a massive book that both adults and kids can enjoy together. There are some elements that may not be appropriate for really small children, but that is maybe one or two stories out of the entire collection. I honestly and truly tried to find something to say I didn't like about the book, but I couldn't do it. It's not a 400 plus page narrative, it's a collection with the same overall theme of sci-fi or futuristic elements. You may not be completely sold on one story, but you turn the page and there is one that completely blows you away. No matter your tastes, there's something for you in this. I cannot recommend this highly enough and give it a 5/5 because that is as high as it goes.

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Planetoid #1

Jun 9, 2012

Image has had a lot of great new books coming out over the last little while, and this just adds to that list. Planetoid #1 has shaped a nice sci-fi space story that stands out from the rest. Silas is a very interesting character who has seemingly only told us half of his story. Garing has done a brilliant job on both the story and art front. If he can keep this level up in further issues, he has a great book on his hands. I'm looking forward to the next part of Planetoid and seeing how Silas develops. What will he do now that he has found himself on this planetoid?

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Planetoid #2

Jul 11, 2012

Garing has a great series going with Planetoid. This sci-fi space story is heads above the rest and is worth checking out. From art to story, Garing is nailing ever panel in this book. Image is constantly putting out great books, and this is on the top of the list. I give Planetoid a 4/5.

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Planetoid #3

Aug 9, 2012

Garing uses more dialogue than previous issues, but there are still those beautifully drawn silent moments that elevate the book. One full page is something as simple as a kite flying in the air, but it serves the story and looks beautiful. Garing continues to please with Planetoid. I give this issue a 4/5.

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Rebel Blood #3

May 24, 2012

What's surprising about this story overall is that it's not the people zombies you have the most to worry about, it's the animals. The animal zombies are a fresh breath for the zombie genre. All of the mutated, deformed looks on the animals face really up the scare factor and make you nervous whether Chuck will make it out. If you like zombies you will really dig this book. You know what you're getting in to and you know it's going to be kind of grisly. Because this issue was non-stop action while still furthering the story, as well as the fact it had a zombie baby, I give Rebel Blood #3 a higher score than the previous two with a perfect 5/5.

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Rebel Blood #4

Jun 16, 2012

Rebel Blood is definitely a miniseries you want to check out. There are some issues stronger than others, but taken as a whole this is an outstanding series. Like I mentioned, it can stand alone but I wouldn't be upset if it was revisited in some way. Rebel Blood #4 was a fitting ending and I give it a 5/5.

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Red Team #1

Feb 6, 2013

Ennis has another hit on his hands with Red Team. This is one crime drama that's worth your attention. If this is how Dynamite is going to handle their new crime stories, then I'm game. The story isn't entirely new, but the way Ennis goes about it makes it very fresh. Ennis and Cermak make a fantastic team 5/5

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Secret #2

May 31, 2012

The story will play out better later, but for now the art and colors elevate this book to another level. Hickman is a great story writer so I have no doubt he knows where this is going and how we're going to get there. Hopefully this is just a layover to the next destination. Because the colors and art helped this one out until we get more puzzle pieces, I give Secret #2 a solid score of 3/5.

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Sherlock Holmes: The Liverpool Demon #1

Dec 12, 2012

Moore and Reppion return with an intriguing story for Holmes and Watson. While it plays out as a slow burn, it appears the action will kick off in the following chapter and take us headlong into the case. In a world of modern Sherlock stories, it is refreshing to see one that truly feels like Doyle himself penned it.

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Star Trek #17

Feb 6, 2013

This is one of the rare movie tie-in comics that does more than simply tease us into watching the movie. You have a great standalone story that gives us a great character piece on Dr. McCoy. This works as a good profile for longtime fans as well as newcomers. I've never been a big Star Trek fan, but IDW's recent offerings are slowly changing that 5/5

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Star Trek: Countdown To Darkness #1

Jan 23, 2013

Star Trek Countdown to Darkness starts out strong. The story gets rolling after a few introductory pages and seems to set us off on an exciting mystery. The art is handled well, but at times the interpretations aren't close enough to their real-life counterparts. This is one for Trek fans new and old.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation² #6

Oct 24, 2012

Assimilation2 is the crossover event of the year. It is a great bit of fan service that we have been wanting for years to see. The Who and Trek crews combine to face the biggest threat either have ever seen, and it is exhilarating. With two issues to go, I expect a nonstop thrill ride.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation² #7

Nov 13, 2012

This issue isn't the whiz-bang action I was hoping for the final two issues, but the last third of the story picks up drastically. That level of action really needs to be the entirety of the final issue to deliver on some of the earlier parts of the series where it has been standing around in corridors talking. The few scenes of the warrior Worf and pacifist Doctor are handled well, so are the scenes of the Doctor with Data and Geordi. Woodward and Purcell's art maintains the high quality one expects with this series, save for a few small hiccups in the early sections of the book. Star Trek: TNG/Doctor Who Assimilation2 is a must read for any sci-fi fan. With one issue to go, it will be thrilling to see how the two crews stop the Cyberborg. The Tiptons really have to amp things up to make the conclusion this stories deserves, and the last part of this issue proves they have the potential. Good story, good art, must read 4/5

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Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation² #8

Dec 19, 2012

Star Trek: TNG/Doctor Who Assimilation2 is the crossover event fans have been waiting for. The first half of the story was superb, the middle fleshed out the threat as the two leads (Picard and The Doctor) talked it out, and the finale pumped up the action. While it is a great event taken as a whole, the final issue will probably leave many readers wishing the last two or three issues would have been this action oriented.

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The Answer! #1

Jan 23, 2013

The Answer! promises to be a great new story by Hopeless and Norton. The duo seems to have an interesting story to tell and it will be worth watching to see if they keep it from being predictable. I think Hopeless and Dent will surprise readers with this one. A solid story with great art makes this one to be on the lookout for.

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The Dresden Files: Ghoul Goblin #1

Jan 9, 2013

The Dresden Files: Ghoul Goblin is a great start to a new series and serves as a good point of entry for fans new and old. With a great story overseen by the character's creator and great art, there's a lot to love here 4/5BioLatest PoststhorverineSenior Writer & Feature Entertainment Editor at ComicBookTherapyI'm a comic book and movie nerd who loves to share news I find interesting and hope you do as well. I'm a big Doctor Who fan and sci-fi in general. My favorite comic characters you ask? Well Thor, Wolverine, and Daredevil.

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The Hollows #1

Dec 12, 2012

The Hollows is a beautiful and emotional start to what promises to be an interesting series. Ryall and Kieth have cobbled together several genres to make one compelling tale. With an interesting story and stunning art, The Hollows has a strong start.

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The Hollows #2

Jan 9, 2013

The Hollows is an incredibly fresh story with some wonderful art that makes a truly great experience for the reader. Ryall and Keith work wonders on an idea that could easily take a bad turn. The Hollows is one you need to look into. A great story with a Japanese flavor 4.5/5BioLatest PoststhorverineSenior Writer & Feature Entertainment Editor at ComicBookTherapyI'm a comic book and movie nerd who loves to share news I find interesting and hope you do as well. I'm a big Doctor Who fan and sci-fi in general. My favorite comic characters you ask? Well Thor, Wolverine, and Daredevil.Latest posts by thorverine (see all)Review: The Hollows #2 - January 9, 2013

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #13

Sep 19, 2012

Struble and Grace continue to pull the reader into a story of the highs and lows of a little featureless character who strikes out with the ladies. This is another strong installment in the current arc, and I'm really looking forward to where it goes. I give LDB #13 a 4/5.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #14

Oct 24, 2012

LDB is one of those offbeat and quirky books that continues to please. The backup story by Nicholas David Brandt is another great little Halloween piece that makes this issue so festive. With a great story and visuals to match, this LDB is one to check out.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #15

Jan 16, 2013

With the seeds planted in this issue and the actual event not kicking off until around Bloodshot #10, my faith is reinstated. The connection built here just makes perfect sense as to what Bloodshot and Psiots have in common, but also there is ample time to develop that before "Harbinger Wars" begins. With those two facts in mind I am definitely looking forward to what Valiant has in store for us this spring.

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The Manhattan Projects #2

Apr 19, 2012

This issue just adds more to the narrative, nothing really happens that directly relates to issue 1. That it didn't continue directly and strictly with issue 1 is my only complaint, and after this issue it is a minor one. It is very historically based even if it does take some wild turns with the facts. If you are a history buff like me or like things like Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, this is the book for you. Hickman doesn't really do stand-alone issues, so all these will tie in to the bigger story. I give this issue 3.5 stars just for the simple fact that Einstein was so awesomely awesome in it. I'm definitely going to be sticking around for the next installment and see what happens.

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The Manhattan Projects #3

May 10, 2012

This issue really seems to ramp up the pace of the book. I've been getting a slight Venture Brothers vibe off of these books, I don't know if it's how some of the characters act or the art but I get the Team Venture vibe which is a really good thing. I am really enjoying Nick Pitarra's art on the book and the way he and colorist Jordie Bellaire handle flashback scenes. The way Hickman writes Einstein coupled with Pitarra's art has me wanting an Einstein spin-off or at least an issue devoted to him. It seems like the first three issues are action-y set-up for what's going to follow in further issues. Reading the little postscript bubble after the last panel, I have no clue where Hickman will go with this but I am going along for the ride. I give the third issue of Manhattan Projects 5/5

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The Manhattan Projects #4

Jun 27, 2012

By now you know if this is your kind of scene or not. This issue is another quality entry in the series. Even with my Einstein bias aside, this is a spectacular issue. Hickman and Pitara continue to please with this series. I give Manhattan Projects #4 a 4.5/5.

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The Manhattan Projects #6

Sep 12, 2012

This story does some backtracking, but it still progresses the story and seems to set things up quite nicely for the next two-part storyline coming as teased in the trades. Each issue has been strong and can stand on its own, but this one stands on its own while still setting pieces into place for future stories. Manhattan Projects continues to be trippy and thrilling. Hickman and Pitara continue to please. I give Manhattan Projects #6 a 5/5.

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The Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #3

Oct 30, 2012

The Rocketeer continues to show that everything old is new again. Waid and Samnee deliver the goods with Cargo of Doom and make an old style comic story that doesn't feel cheesy in the slightest. With one more issue to go, it will be interesting to see how it wraps up. The way this one ended felt slightly too easy, but we'll have to wait and see the real endgame. Rocketeer is a can't miss series 4.5/5

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The Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #4

Nov 20, 2012

The only negative thing I can say about this issue is that it's over. Waid, Samnee, and the whole crew have made a thrilling old school adventure with The Rocketeer. Things are set up for more adventures and the last two panels deliver a huge shock. This is definitely a series you'll want to read again and again. Cargo of Doom delivers 4.5/5

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The Shadow Special #1

Dec 26, 2012

The Shadow special is just that, special. With a solid story that plays out more as a character piece and fine art and colors, The Shadow shines in Veterans of a Foreign War. If you like The Shadow, you'll really dig this one.

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The Victories #1

Aug 15, 2012

This story wasn't as hard a hit as one would hope from Oeming's outing as a writer. The story lived up to one point- it is the raunchiest superhero book since The Boys, but that's about all it has going for it. While I will wait for the second issue, this one may be one to save for the trade if you're interested in it at all. I give The Victories #1 a 2/5

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Think Tank #1

Aug 1, 2012

Think Tank is a great introduction story that really plays up the main character. We meet the entire cast and get some backstory while advancing the current narrative. There aren't a lot of twists and turns, but the ride is thrilling nonetheless. Think Tank is definitely one to check out. The series has a massive amount of potential energy, to put it science-y. I give Think Tank #1 a 4/5.

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To Hell You Ride #1

Dec 12, 2012

Although not perfect, To Hell You Ride sets up a story of revenge and greed with a dash of horror and Native American myths and legends. The first issue definitely intrigues you enough to want to check back in and the art nearly locks in the fact you'll return. The first issue is a bit of a rough ride, but it seems like it will be a wild adventure.

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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #1

Jan 15, 2013

Todd, the Ugliest Kid on Earth is a fantastic book like no other. This oddball story features slightly risqu humor with fantastic art. Perker and Kristense have a lot to live up to with the remaining three issues. If it's anything like the first issue, we're in for a great ride 5/5BioLatest PoststhorverineSenior Writer & Feature Entertainment Editor at ComicBookTherapyI'm a comic book and movie nerd who loves to share news I find interesting and hope you do as well. I'm a big Doctor Who fan and sci-fi in general. My favo

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Transfusion #1

Oct 9, 2012

Not a whole lot happens in this issue, but it is riveting at times. With a three issue run, it will be exciting to see if we get a lot of exposition and action or a smaller contained story like the first issue. Steve Niles can make either option work. I'm not 100% sold on this one just yet, but with the art and the potential of the first issue it is certainly one to keep an eye on. I give Transfusion #1 a 4/5.

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Zaucer Of Zilk #1

Oct 17, 2012

The Zaucer of Zilk is a trip and a half. The story isn't perfect, but it takes risks by being so out there. The art does elevate the places where the story lacks. This first issue is definitely a risk, at for the most part it pays off. It has my interest, but it's hard to judge it until the story concludes with issue 2 and you can see the whole picture. You may already know if you are a 2000AD fan. I'm certainly sticking around, but for now it's a 3.5/5

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Zaucer Of Zilk #2

Nov 14, 2012

The Zaucer of Zilk is a far-out trip to the bizarre and psychedelic. It is a departure from normal that pays off for the most part. While the story is very unusual in parts, the art picks it up in places. If you like the old school Dr. Strange books, this is worth checking out 3/5.

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