Zaucer Of Zilk #2
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Zaucer Of Zilk #2

Writer: Brendan McCarthy, Al Ewing Artist: Brendan McCarthy Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: November 14, 2012 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
3.2User Rating

IDW's special collaboration with 2000 AD and Rebellion Publishing, The Zaucer of Zilk, concludes here in the second chapter of Brendan McCarthy & Al Ewing's phantasmagorical psychedelic extravaganza from beyond the fringes of imagination! 30 pages of brilliantly surreal artwork by McCarthy!

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Nov 19, 2012

    McCarthy and Ewing have created an ode to the old Marvel comics of the 1960s the same way that Jim Starlin and Steve Gerber were homaging the House of Ideas in the 1970s. Like those older creators, Ewing and McCarthy take the Stan Lee formula and ratchet up the hyperbole, the purple prose, the hallucinogenic landscapes and the action wrapped around character moments to create a modern day Peter Parker of the Zaucer. This comic is more of a Marvel comic than anything Marvel has actually produced in 2012, enjoying playing in Stan Lee and Steve Ditko's sandbox. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geekality - Sal Brucculeri Nov 15, 2012

    This comic was very out there but I think the story was very strong and this was a great progression story for Zaucer of Zilk as a series. Zaucer showed what kind of hero he is in this issue and if you are into a modest hero who can trully save the day when he got out of his own way than this comic is for you. I was very entertained and am Looking forward to seeing where it goes! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Therapy - thorverine Nov 14, 2012

    The Zaucer of Zilk is a far-out trip to the bizarre and psychedelic. It is a departure from normal that pays off for the most part. While the story is very unusual in parts, the art picks it up in places. If you like the old school Dr. Strange books, this is worth checking out 3/5. Read Full Review

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