The original Grendel, Hunter Rose, returns in this new miniseries written and drawn by Matt Wagner! This is an untold chapter in the life of the greatest criminal mastermind in history--a thrilling and horrifying glimpse into a time when Rose's novels were at the top of all the bestseller lists and rumors of the assassin Grendel were on the lips of every terrified mobster unfortunate enough to present an obstacle to Rose's utter domination of the city's underworld. For the first time in over a decade, Wagner returns to the character that made him famous to reveal the biggest secret of Rose's illustrious and bloody career as Grendel! more
This hardback collection from Dark Horse Comics collects all eight issues of the Behold the Devil series into a sturdy single volume--including issue #0 and the bonus pages that were released only to MySpace. It is a ridiculous bargain for the price, and Grendel aficionados would be fools to pass it up. Read Full Review
It's safe to say many of you reading this have never read a Grendel comic before. While I would urge you to at least check out Devil By the Deed before anything else, there is little in this issue to put off the Grendel layman. Long term fans may not see much in the way of originality yet, but it's obvious bigger things are on the horizon. Read Full Review