King Conan: Hour of the Dragon #5

Writer: Timothy Truman Artist: Tomas Giorello Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: September 25, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
8.3Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Torn from his throne and on the run, Conan sneaks into his own occupied capital city and the ominous Iron Tower to rescue an innocent child from execution! Some very unlikely loyalists come to his aid against an army of traitorous guards, but Conan's fight to regain his crown is far from over!

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Space Chief Sep 27, 2013

    As I have with the first four issues, I, The Space Chief, with the blessings of Crom, have no choice but to give King Conan: The Hour Of The Dragon #5 a solid" Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Zack Davisson Sep 23, 2013

    One of the best things about King Conan: Hour of the Dragon is that it is defying the odds. Most comics have their best sales with issue #1, followed by a slow decline. Sales are actually increasing with Hour of the Dragon as word of mouth gets out about what an amazing series this is. I hope that upward trend continues and Truman, Giorello, and Villarrubia are rewarded with more Conan work in the future. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Sep 24, 2013

    King Conan: The Hour of the Dragon #5 is a rip-roaring success story that's sure to get you pumped for the rest of this mini-series. Highly recommended Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Sep 25, 2013

    What we have in this single issue is a grown up version of the knight in shining armor saving a girl trapped in a tower. Only Conan is in robes, wearing an eyepatch and has to cleave his way through the bad guys. Nice! The issue also delves into a secret ally Conan didn't even know about, which ties into how he ruled equally amongst his people. It's a nice way to tie back into the “King” aspect of King Conan, but also reveals how he might reclaim the throne next issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Front Towards Gamer - FTG Contributor Sep 21, 2013

    The big picture of KingConan Hour of the Dragon is ultimately that if you're already reading it chances are I'm not going to dissuade you, especially with just one issue left to go. No this is a review for everyone else who sees this book on the shelves and has considered buying it or the trade, I tell you sir or madam don't do it, there are plenty of great Conan stories out there and I encourage you to seek them out this just isn't one of them, what King ConanHour of the Dragon #5is, is simply a tired re-hashing of worn out franchise clichs, it's paint by numbers of the most transparent kind and I'll be happy once it's over. Read Full Review

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