Gene manipulation has always been solely for those who can afford the expensive prenatal treatments. Income determines status and, more importantly, survival. If your genes have not been optimized, the Order has no use for you. You are nonessential. Less than. To be eliminated. Everything is geared to keeping the ship of state sailing along smoothly, no matter the cost.??
But in every totalitarian system lies the seeds of rebellion, independence, and OUTRAGE.
Morales delivers some beautifully detailed and stylish art throughout the issue. The visuals are vibrant and evocative. There are some suggestive images within the story, but they are necessary for the context of the scene they appear in. Read Full Review
Order and Outrage #1 proves that Jim Starlin is still at the top of his game. The art team that backs him up does a beautiful job in their own right, stunning from each double page spread to the next. Read Full Review
"I'm super excited to work with the man who taught me how to draw space gauntlets, while perusing my copies of Captain Marvel back in the 1970's. Morales says, "That, and if anyone knows me, knows how much of a political pain in the ass I am. So ORDER and OUTRAGE is my kinda story. Lookout Order, here comes the rebellion! Read Full Review
The concepts behind Order & Outrage are solid. The book aims to tell a tale of a fight against oppressive forces, and there's enough in this first issue to plant some seeds for that conflict. But trying to decipher much beyond the general plot is a fool's errand. Read Full Review
There is nothing new here and seeing names like Starlin and Morales struggle to make this interesting by over-complicating a mostly simple story within this sci-fi adventure makes the read all the more unbearable. Read Full Review