As Loo's traumatic past is finally revealed, all hell breaks loose as the Gardens continue to crumble, patients die, and a bizarre hostile amusement park cult begin to take over.
Loos tragic background comes to the forefront as the Gardens brace for impact. The writing delivers an emotional charged open that will hit the audience and not let go. Weston and Stewart orchestrate the strong visuals to support Loos troubled past. With one issue left, anything (and I mean ANYTHING) can happen at the Gardens now! Read Full Review
Weston delivers some beautifully detailed and visually immersive art throughout the issue. I love the visual style of this series and how unique and interesting all of the characters look. Read Full Review
Really good art, the story is weird but not in a bad way. I still don't entirely grasp the world this story exists in, but it doesn't take much away from my enjoyment.
Gave wom answers. It was drawn beautifully. Not sure how this will all wrap up next issue, but it's been a fun, semi confusing ride so far.