Past Aways #4

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Scott Kolins Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 24, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
8.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The team battles a bizarre creature through a tear in space-time, but the mind behind the monster holds a secret that could change the PastAways’ future! As they face a new kind of time paradox, the crew are also forced to contend with an internal plot against one of their own!

  • 9.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Brett I Jun 23, 2015

    All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this issue, and hope to see some more character pieces in issues to come, as I feel we are just now getting to the meat of the book. If you werent grooving on the first arc, you should give this issue a try. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 24, 2015

    Past Aways sets up things for the next arc here, but it also fills in some more of the gaps for the characters and their pasts. What works well is that we do essentially get time where characters sit down and just talk shit out. It's not all done amid the action, though we do get some of that to good effect, but there's so much that comes from people sitting around a table, with no filters on their thoughts really, and saying what they think. The sniping is fun, but it also reveals a lot. I'm really curious to see more of what Phil's up to as his character is the most intriguing since partially his reasons are unclear, and it's uncertain whether to fear or be rooting for him. Kolins again does a fantastic job of bringing this world to life visually, present and future, with so many neat ways of looking at things. And how often do you get to illustrate a massive purple Time Tentacle? That's resume worthy right there. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Kylee Sills Jun 28, 2015

    He tells Art that he used a charge to get rid of the automatic control system and only later find out that the tentacle was probably meant to be some kind of rescue vessel for them. We also got a peek into Art and Phil's first meeting, where Art saved him from being tortured " leading me to wonder how they got from there to here in their relationship. While Art is off talking to a primitive twenty first century psychologist, Phil is with Hein Trooper and declares that he'll help if he helps kill Art. Things are getting good with Past Aways! Every time I think I've got a relationship figured out, more layers are added and more character flaws are revealed. I really enjoy how things are slowly teased out each issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Jun 23, 2015

    I still have some problems with the book. The little red boxes and the red taglines at the bottom of the numerous pages, serve to distract rather than actually be of help. It may be an attempt to include humour in the book but, for me, falls a little flat. Overall however, I enjoyed this issue more than the last. This could be due to jumping in mid-fight last issue, this issue goes someway to add more context to Arthur's and Phil's actions and motivation respectively, which may not be up there with the Clark and Lex relationship, but there are definite echoes. I am in no doubt that fans of the book will appreciate the slight change of pace in this issue, before ramping up to the arc's conclusion. Read Full Review

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