Resurrectionists #6

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Maurizio Rosenzweig Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: April 15, 2015 Cover Price: $1.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
7.2Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

The entire team of Resurrectionists has been unlocked, but Lennox is closing in on them. If they want to defeat him, prevent their own deaths, and stop the cycle theyve been stuck in for thousands of years, theyll need to pull off an impossible heist as the Sojourn Corporation, a gang of angry criminals, and the NYPD bear down on them. Can Jericho Way and his team steal the past to fight the future?

  • 9.5
    AIPT - John F. Trent Apr 15, 2015

    Resurrectionists #6 is another solid entry in one of my favorite books on the shelf or, in this case, available for digital download. It incorporates history primarily focusing on ancient Egypt with excellent action sequences, political maneuvering, and a mix of Indiana Jones meets Mission Impossible artifact hunting. This issue primarily focused on the political maneuvering of both Herihor and Tao's team; one being depicted maneuvering in Egypt while the other makes power moves in the present day. The maneuvering combined with actions sequences make for an exciting, fast-paced book that has you flipping through the book. If you haven't checked out Resurrectionists, you should. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Apr 19, 2015

    Resurrectionists #6 is an excellent issue that restores the series to its original engrossing and exciting status with the truth being revealed about the Resurrectionists endless cycle. The successful utilization of past and present events brings everything together, and it's what I've been waiting for a long time. The path ahead for the Resurrectionists and what's at stake is laid out clearly, and I can't wait to see how events unfold next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 15, 2015

    Fred Van Lente and Maurizio Rosenzweig put together a pretty intriguing book here, one that practically requires a couple of read throughs and re-reads when new issues come out in order to really connect all the dots. It's something that suffers a bit from the monthly format because of it. While the series faltered for me along the way in a couple of places, there are so many areas that I'd love to see explored more and more cohesively that I'm craving for this to continue in some form. The concept is an intriguing one and I'm glad that they worked with the Egyptian mythology and really had fun with it in all the flashback sequences. But when the book shifted to the present, it simply felt less compelling and really didn't feel like it knew what direction it wanted to take beyond the whole unlocking. Hopefully this isn't the last we'll see of the Resurrectionists and that they'll get a new life to further explore the potential here. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Nerdophiles - Kylee Sills Apr 19, 2015

    In their present resurrection, they're again betrayed by Adele, who tipped off Lennox, and forced into a gunfight that costs them one of their own. But Quinn is awake now and prepared to help the team with their mission: to break into Lennox's real tomb somewhere in Norway and reclaim their souls. With impossible odds stacked against them, the Resurrectionists are going to have their work cut out for them. Read Full Review

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