The year is 2188 and Jack the Ripper has returned to London. For the last century, a shattered post-Brexit England has operated as a massive Victorian theme park in exchange for American military and financial protection. But when an American mogul's grandson is killed in the heart of London, the delicate status quo is threatened. Is the killer a brilliant maniac? Americans taking advantage of their superior technology? Or the English Underground Resistance, wishing to throw off the yoke of American oppression and re-join the modern world? American Special Agent Jesse Holden and local British Police Detective Edwin Fogg must overcome their clmore
That said, the story kicks off at a fairly mellow pace as we see the two main investigators meet. For now, I'm invested in seeing where this goes, but I do hope the writing team picks up the pace a bit in future issues. Read Full Review
The new age murder mystery of Jack The Ripper starts on a solid note. Orlando and Dunning delve into past themes for this future take of London crime. Oliveri, Vivaldi and Amelia delve into the grizzly violent act and an international incident in the making. All the ingredients for a series to remember. Read Full Review
Oliveri delivers some interesting, vibrant and beautifully detailed imagery throughout the issue and there is a visual style to it that drew me in. Read Full Review
Ripperland is an sex and violence-filled delight for Anglophiles. Read Full Review
Its difficult to tell what is most important in this first issuethe murder mystery, the political commentary, or the character conflict. A large part of this owes to the troubled pacing. Ultimately, there are the makings of a clever story in Ripperland #1, but they remain disparate, never blending into a cohesive experience. Read Full Review
A solid alt-future (is that a thing?) story about the US turning England into a big theme park after Brexit ruined the country. A little heavy handed, the writing was a bit groan-worthy at times, but overall I enjoyed it. Curious to see where they go.