Star Wars: Dark Times #1
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Star Wars: Dark Times #1

Writer: Welles Hartley, Mick Harrison Artist: Douglas Wheatley Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: November 8, 2006 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
8.4Critic Rating
10User Rating

The dark times are here. Even as the worlds of the former Republic are drawn into the iron grip of Palpatine's Empire, the galaxy seems adrift in a sea of chaos, lawlessness, and despair.

On Coruscant, Darth Vader waits for his Master to reveal his vision for the future. But is there a plan beyond obtaining power? On New Plympto, Jedi Master Dass Jennir leads a Nosaurian army in a war they have already lost. Is this what it now means to be a Jedi?

Dark Times #1 is the gateway to a new era in Star Wars history, an era where the future is grim, evil is on the rise, and all paths seem to lead nowhere . . .

  • 8.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 23, 2008

    All that aside, Dark Times is easily one of the better Star Wars comics to hit the market in the last few years. I wouldn't rank the story above Legacy's, as that series is probably the best bet for readers who only want one Star Wars comic a month in their pull list. At the very least, Dark Times is the best looking Star Wars book on the market, and the first trade is just further proof that Dark Horse is doing right by the license. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Ryan Jan 7, 2019

    The start of the greatest star wars comic ever, yes, better Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison

  • 10
    iPodwithnomusic Jun 17, 2018

    An amazing first issue, with incredible artwork and story. The dialog is all very well-written, and the narration is used very well to add further insight. The story is an emotional one, as we witness Bomo Greenbark's fellow troops gunned down by Clone Troopers to buy time for their families to escape. This emotion adds meaning and depth to the expertly drawn action sequences, with every panel driving the story forward. The issue concludes with the heartbreaking reveal that all their fighting was for nothing, as the escaping families have all been captured and sold into slavery.

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