Star Wars: Dark Times #17
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Star Wars: Dark Times #17

Writer: Mick Harrison Artist: Douglas Wheatley Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 30, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
10User Rating

Betrayed, beaten, and half drowned, former Jedi Dass Jennir clings to life while the town he vowed to save is torn by gang warfare. His only allies have been imprisoned, tortured, or shot.

It looks like the bad guys might win this time . . . except for one thing: a Jedi never gives up.

Bad-assery on an epic scale!

Please note: Shipping date is subject to change.

  • 9.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jul 3, 2010

    This issue wraps up the arc well but feels like it's slightly out of place because it seems to actually have a happy ending. This is strange because of all the death and horror that this series has produced in the previous stories. Despite the growth to the point of maturation for the lead character this story leaves you wanting more of him in the future. Fortunately, this series appears to have more life left in it down the road. More Dark Times is a good thing. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 30, 2010

    The latest arc of Star Wars: Dark Times has played out like a good spaghetti Western. Now comes the time to end like one. Writer Mick Harrison brings his hero Dass Jennir to his lowest ebb in order to build him back up again. It's the closing of a satisfying circle for the character, though one that resolves itself entirely too quickly. Harrison also offers up plenty of action in this finale, all of it stylishly captured by Douglas Wheatley. Wheatley remains Dark Horse's finest Star Wars artist and one of the few able to capture the realistic, lived-in feel of the worlds in the original movies. In terms of both character growth and ass-kickery Jennir has a banner month. It's just a shame Harrison cuts out of the story abruptly in a finish that Sopranos viewers would find all too familiar. As long as this arc was, issue #17 feels like a case of not having enough of a good thing. Read Full Review

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