The Goon #44
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The Goon #44

Writer: Eric Powell Artist: Eric Powell, Mark Buckingham Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: November 27, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 6
8.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

¡LAGARTO HOMBRE REGRESA! ¡Ah, Jesús dulce! ¡El horror de ese bocadillo de jamón Lagarto Hombre ha regresado! ¡El diablo! es el diablo! ¡El señor salvo nosotros! ¡Lagarto Hombre comerá a sus bebés en la noche! ¡Vuela como gatos malos en la cara!*

*We apologize to our Spanish-language readers; the process that created the Lagarto Hombre gave him terrible grammar.

"The quirky sense of humor, dark seriousness, and glorious monster mayhem make it a top of the pile read whenever an issue is released."-Bleeding Cool

  • 10
    Geeked Out Nation - Mark Pritchard Nov 29, 2013

    The Goon #44 is of course going to remembered as the issue that featured, 'Richard Nixon: Frankenstein F****r.' I'm not going to be able to get that image out of my head for a long, long time. Once seen, it cannot be unseen. Wow, what else can I say? For that utterly insane page alone this is a must buy comic. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm Nov 27, 2013

    I, for one, am glad to have the Goon back again bustin' up all those supernatural bruisers. With this trip to Mexico, the Goon retakes his spot back at the top of the list of greatest comics on the shelf in current production. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Charles Joy Nov 26, 2013

    The Goon is back! From what I can tell, fans are excited. N00bs should be.The Art is wonderful!Eric does a great job illustrating the gaps in my understanding of the Spanish language.The Humor. This book is listed in the “Humor” category. While I likely missed a lot of the jokes, I can see what Eric was going for – once you get to the short rap interlude with Li'l John (YA-YAH!) you will understand.The Goon Himself! Let there be smack-down; followed by “LA TRISTEZA” (“THE SADNESS”) – at least for the “LAGARTO HOMBRE”.At first I was thinking this was NOT a great jumping on point in the series. But really, IT IS.Take it for the ballsy debut that it is. And if you hate that you don't understand the dialog – leverage internet translators until the next issue. Either way, you have to respect the art! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Your Friendly Neighborhood Brady Nov 29, 2013

    I know Powell has done some unique issues in the past to get readers interests piqued from time to time. There was a recent issue I recall spoofing all things super-hero and gimmicky that comes to mind. Im glad to have re-discovered “The Goon” once again with this Spanish/monster issue. His brutal irreverence and pure fun reminds readers why comics are fun and unlimited in potential. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Sean M. Thompson Nov 27, 2013

    I admire the shit out of anyone with the stones big enough to release a whole issue almost entirely in Spanish, knowing it will both confuse and piss off a whole lot of readers. It's fucking hilarious! That said" I really have no idea what any of that dialogue was about, other than a vague idea that the giant lizard man likes boobs. Pick it up for a laugh, and for an amazing duet with Tom Waits and Lil Jon (yup, really in there), but don't expect to get most of it unless ye speak espaol. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Chris Bennett Nov 26, 2013

    Art, good. Story, good (I think) and if you speak Spanish or have a phrase book handy it would be damn enjoyable. It's just maybe a bit too quick of a read for us unilingual (did I just invent a word?) And would make for an even more confusing read for newcomers. Read Full Review

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