After fleeing their tenement during a monster magpie attack, Lupe finds herself a pupil to an aged monster hunter and on the run from ancient evils determined to take them down and retrieve the relic they protect.
The Lonesome Hunters #2 continues to slowly peel back the world of the strange magic lurking underneath the surface of the world. Read Full Review
This second issue of The Lonesome Hunters builds nicely on what was started in the first issue. We begin to see a bond form between Howard and Lupe. I really liked the introduction of Tina into the story and I am intrigued to learn just how much she knows about Howard and his past. Especially, given that she seemed to know about the Sword and Howard's past misadventures with it. Read Full Review
Crook has a wonderful visual style that draws in the reader and perfectly complements the story in both tone and character. Read Full Review
Crook demonstrates his careful control of pacing to accentuate character, bringing Howard and Lupe to life vividly on the page. Read Full Review
Tyler Crook continues to deliver the goods with one of the best of 2022. A fascinating protagonist who possesses a degree of heroism but is far from the classic hero archetype. The murky watercolours we know from Harrow County work equally well here. A must have.