The bestselling comic series that inspired the blockbuster film returns with gruesome hilarity from the showrunner of AMC's Halt and Catch Fire and Hellboy's Patric Reynolds.
Empowered by an ancient mask, the "Big Head" killer's swath of mayhem cuts through Edge City, this time with presidential hopefuls as his targets. And after taking out the competition, Big Head himself makes a shocking announcement.
o The series that inspired the hit film The Mask!
I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE MASK #2, available in comic book stores on Wednesday, November 20th, gets more political than ever, with a touch of blood. Read Full Review
This is a better issue than the first. The art was good already but it's slightly improved here and there's more focus on the characters. I think the fact that the exposition is out of the way has really helped since it's allowed Cantwell to really write a proper story. I'm enjoying this series so far and issue 2 has been one of the best comics I've pulled this month. Read Full Review
Whether you read this series as a parallel to modern politics or view it in its own bubble, I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask is not off to a strong start. Read Full Review