Zodiac Starforce #4

Writer: Kevin Panetta Artist: Paulina Ganucheau Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: February 10, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
8.4Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Evil mean girl Diana, powered by the malevolent goddess Cimmeria, is about to overrun the remaining members of the Zodiac Starforce. Can they put their differences aside and unite to free team leader Emma and save the day? Its gonna mean so much detention for them if they dont!

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Feb 10, 2016

    It handles certain situations perfectly, by ignoring the urge to make them a social comment and you would have to be a right arsehole of a parent to object to this comic finding its way into your kids hands. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Sarah Moran Feb 17, 2016

    For fans of the magical girl genre, Zodiac Starforce is a must read. Panetta and Ganucheau have married the tropes of the genre with the high school experience in way that is both refreshing and familiar; equally nostalgic and forward-thinking. Undoubtedly, my opinion is swayed by my deep love for stories where friends band together to face unimaginable threats (and especially when they have cool magical powers), but Zodiac Starforce #4 promises there's so much more this series can deliver " they only need the issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Kylee Sills Feb 15, 2016

    Once the dust settled, it was made clear that any of the problems that broke up the team originally were solved and it's back to normal high school shenanigans " with the occasional Starforce battle of course. An epilogue hints at other Zodiacs not seen " including a male Leo and Cancer " that has me ready for the next arc. Zodiac Starforce was an easy, entertaining read that I wish had been around in my awkward middle school days, which doesn't detract at all from how much I enjoy it in my mid-twenties. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 10, 2016

    Zodiac Starforce comes to a solid and busy conclusion here with the battle against both Diana and Cimmeria. The series has had a strong hook to it from the get go and has built up a world that I imagine a lot of fans really want to see a whole lot more of. The characters are an engaging Western take on the teenage magical girl genre that will likely connect a whole lot more simply due to a more diverse group of characters and social aspects that really aren't touched upon in Japan. Panetta's scripts a bit too busy for my tastes to some degree, especially as Ganucheau puts together some great looking pages with two-page spreads of layouts, but there's a lot to convey and it hits it well. I'm certainly up for more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Feb 10, 2016

    At the end of it all, the story needed to be stronger. It was too shallow with its story and characters and that really hurt it. There was a sense of danger for one issue, but after that" well it really seemed like no matter what they'd win in the end and everyone would make it out alive and that's exactly what happened. The art saved this book. Hell, the art made this book worth reading and buying. Imagine if the story was better? It could have been a mega hit, rather than just a great success. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    BrightestDaycare.com Feb 19, 2016

    This book has been really fun to read, and is probably a much bigger hit with teen and tween girls than myself- a weird beard 30something straight married dad. I like this book though, and I enjoyed how this issue ends the arc. Things are left pretty well open for a follow up or sequel or continuation here, and I hope we get one- books like Welcome Back and The Tithe have gone from miniseries to ongoing, so why not this one? I really like the bright, poppy colors of this book, and I thought that the characters all felt really unique and really like what I remember being a teenager to feel like. I don’t know what it feels like to have been a teenage girl, I mean I just wore skinny jeans and had swoopy hair, but that doesn’t really make m more

  • 8.0
    daspidaboy Jul 31, 2021

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