Adventures of Superman #522

Writer: Paul Levitz Artist: Gerlado Borges Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 22, 1995 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
6.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The all-new Green Lantern of the 31st century has been chosen! This new GL also happens to be a Legionnaire, and his mission will tie into a major Legion event in 2011, the implications of which will rival those of "The Great Darkness Saga"!

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Jan 19, 2011

    I don't understand why Mon-El getting weaker turned his costume back to his normal one- they've already shown it as a separate one from his "traditional" LSH costume, not a will power construct. Sun Killer could be an interesting villain, but introducing himself as "Kodama-San" is rather odd, as "san" is suffix meaning friend in Japanese- not something one says on first meeting. On a final note, yes I know this seems to be an accepted comic book trend (why it's acceptable is another issue), this cover was even worse than most. Of the five characters shown on the sort of "women of the Legion" cover, only one shows up at all inside, and she's out cold in a med-tube. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Jan 7, 2011

    Adventure Comics #522 was another solid read. This was the best issue by Levitz since he took over Adventure Comics. The story on this title has lagged behind the excellent work that Levitz has been delivering on Legion of Super Heroes. Now that the two titles are synced together in terms of the story I believe that Adventure Comics will rapidly become an entertaining read each and every month. I would recommend giving Adventure Comics a chance. Levitzs Legion of Super Heroes is still the best super hero team title on the market. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kyle Garret Jan 10, 2011

    Given that the Legion Academy has remained on the fringes for quite some time and that Phil Jimenez is one of the premiere artists working today, I have high hopes for this title. In a lot of ways, it could very quickly become the better of the two Legion titles. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 10, 2011

    The bottom line for me is that this issue felt quite generic, from the good-but-not-terribly-unique art to the overblown computer effects to the patented "Take-out-Dawnstar-so-she-can't-track-someone" subplot that gets namechecked in our brief Tellus sequences. The issue features 2 Legionnaires (3 if you count Dawny floating in a bacta tank) and one villain, and stretches out a minor fist-fight/exposition sequence to 22 pages without a whole lot to merit the attention. I like Mon-El as the Legionnaire chosen to wear a Green Lantern ring, but wonder why any Legionnaire had to wear one in the first place, and Sun-Killer not only bothers me for duplicating the abilities of existing Legion of Super-Villains member Sun Emperor, but for reminding me of Sun-Chained-In-Ink from Kurt Busiek's Trinity series not so long ago. It's not a disappointing issue so much as it is a completely uneventful "meh" kind of thing, a day-in-the-life of some Science Police guys who get to watch Mon-El fight and Read Full Review

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