Batman: Death By Design #1
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Batman: Death By Design #1

Writer: Chip Kidd Artist: Dave Taylor Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 30, 2012 Cover Price: $24.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 1
6.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Roman Colombo Aug 1, 2012

    Ultimately, this was also nicely put together. The printed cover has a threadbare like quality to it, and the insides scream 1920′s advertising. What is cool is that the publication design was by Chip Kidd himself. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Super Hero Hype - Spencer Perry Jun 15, 2012

    While the comic is sometimes wordy and the first few pages of set up seem to drag Batman: Death By Design is a really good read. It has all the components that many would consider vital to a good Batman tale and its art is top notch. I'm hoping in a year or two we can get a good follow up to this. I like seeing 40s Batman with modern influence. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker May 29, 2012

    In essence, Batman: Death By Design feels like the movie serial era of Batman, complete with the old-school Bat-computer with knobs and gauges and the like, and as such, it's really pretty cool that way. Kidd's script does explore some interesting architectural ideas and ramifications while drawing inspiration from reality, but the star of the show is Dave Taylor, as well he should be. The classically styled visuals, the slick look of Exacto, and the very inventive designs bringing Gotham City itself to life will definitely be a treat for your eyes. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Erik Norris May 30, 2012

    Batman: Death By Design centers around the construction of a new train station in Gotham to replace the old, rundown Wayne Central Station. In our recent interview with Chip Kidd, the writer expressed that the story was inspired in large part by New York City's Penn Station, and how the popular travel hub has become a shadow of its former glory; to Kidd, a designer by trade and student of architecture by hobby, this is beyond depressing. Death By Design clearly echoes Kidd's sentiments with the real-life station found in NYC, as a few characters in his story serve as vicarious voices to resurrect what was once great instead of tearing it down and starting from scratch. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry May 30, 2012

    The art is wonderful, breathtaking really, and you're not going to find another Bat-book that looks anything like this. It's a one-of-a-kind visual feast for the eyes. But even though it has a great look and feel unlike anything out there today, “Batman: Death by Design” falls way short on storytelling and isn't the sort of book you'll find yourself re-reading. If you collect comics more for the art than the story then “Batman: Death by Design” is an absolute must-have, but if you're like me and want the story and art to better complement each other, it may be better to wait for this book to come out in cheaper, paperback form. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Jun 4, 2012

    "Batman: Death By Design" drops Mark Chiarello's name within the first few pages. This should give you a great indication of what the book is like -- it's gorgeous. The book is so good, you want and expect the story to live up to it. It doesn't. This tale is passable fun but it doesn't deliver enough. Style can't always trump substance and the comics medium needs both working in cohesion. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Zack Davisson Aug 8, 2012

    But sadly, as it is both Chip Kidd and Dave Taylor designed themselves to death. And Batman: Death by Design comes off as a pretty faade pasted over nothing. All form, no function. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 4, 2012

    The problem is, Taylor's classic art style, while refreshing, doesn't sustain interest as well as a cohesive story might. There's a lot of thematic potential for the rise and fall " and sabotage " of a metropolis, but Death by Design falls victim to convenient plot points and a villain who never justifies his chutzpah. Kidd purists will already be on board, but those who aren't members of the choir already won't find a firm foundation here. Read Full Review

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