Batman: The Dark Knight #16

Writer: Gregg Hurwitz Artist: Ethan Van Sciver Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 30, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 2
6.6Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

Welcome new series artist Ethan Van Sciver!

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Jan 31, 2013

    I'm not sure if any other members of the Batman Family will be making appearances in this arc, but it would be extremely awesome to see Van Sciver's versions of Nightwing, Robin (any version) or Batgirl. In this issue, we are, however, treated to an unexpected cameo by another Batman villain, The Penguin, which was nice to see. In short, this is a promising start to what is sure to be a classic run in the annals of Batman history. At the risk of scraping the bottom of the barrel to find something wrong with this issue, I'm not exactly certain of the chronology this story takes place in relation to the other Batman titles. Particularly the Death of the Family event taking place throughout the other Bat books. Other than that, I really can't criticize much about this issue. It's well-paced, the art is phenomenal, there's an interesting mystery, and the story really draws the reader in. Everything I want from a Batman comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Jimmy Feb 11, 2013

    The Dark Knight 16 is a great start to a new story arc, and while I have a few nit-picky moments, I really enjoyed it. I wish the Hatter himself was a little less creepy looking, and maybe by next issue Van Sciver will have shortened the ears on the cowl, but I have a lot of faith in this creative team and am looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Gavin Craig Jan 30, 2013

    And I haven't even gotten to The Mad Hatter. Is there a touch of Christopher Walken in his face and demeanor? Yes, but I think it's the platform shoes that make the package for me. I would not, however, recommend telling the man that to his face. It might not end well. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jan 31, 2013

    The opening chapter of Ethan Van Sciver's collaboration with Gregg Hurwitz is yet another fine Batman offering. Batfans looking for a quick fix that delivers good art, a solid, foundational story and stands independently from other Bat-titles will be pleased with "Batman: The Dark Knight" #16. DC has done a magnificent job of delivering great stories for the Batman franchise, but readers have to make some tough decisions as to which well-done Batbook wins their money if they're not at liberty to afford them all. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - Sen Cinnide Feb 5, 2013

    If you want a Batman comic with a lot of action, some gory violence and strong art that operates completely independently from the larger machinations of Death in the Family look no further than Batman: The Dark Knight #16. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jan 30, 2013

    I went back and forth on this one. 7/10 or 6.5/10? I hate giving scores to these things. I even showed it to someone else who said that they would give it an 8/10, but they didn't have any familiarity with Mad Hatter whatsoever so the changes to his character didn't bother them one iota. I think everyone can agree however that the artwork of this comic is great, there's some fun action, and if you like gore you'll love how brutal the book is. But for me…I just can't accept this new Mad Hatter characterization, having another kidnapping plot doesn't excite me since we just saw that with Scarecrow, Bruce's drama with Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Jan 30, 2013

    This certainly isn't a bad issue, but it didn't really accomplish anything that makes it stand out from the other Batman titles. Its visuals are good and it's an amusing issue but nothing about this overall plot truly lures you into its world. I'm sure big fans of The Mad Hatter will want to see more, but right now I can't strongly recommend it to everyone else, especially when BATMAN and BATMAN AND ROBIN are both doing a great job with the character. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Jan 30, 2013

    The This was a set up issue, for sure, but even as far as set up issues go, this one was lacking a bit. Despite all that, EVS was the main attraction, and a strong showing from him gives the faults I found with the issue itself a bit of a pass. Hurwitz does eventually deliver, I've read enough of his Batman stories to know that, so I'm not worried. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jan 30, 2013

    The books looks pretty damn nice, at least. Van Sciver draws a mighty fine Batman and a super creepy Mad Hatter. The action looks great, even if it is slightly hard to follow at times. The only place the book doesn't look so hot is during a series of pages where the panels are modeled after piano keys. It's a neat idea that simply doesn't work very well. It feels like a minor scene is stretched for too many panels, like the structure is forcing Van Sciver to draw unnecessary stuff. If you are looking for a great Batman story, you might want to look somewhere else. Hey, you have plenty of other options. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Jan 31, 2013

    This baby's going nowhere but down. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Brian Bannen Feb 4, 2013

    Clearly, Greg Hurwitz has a lot of story to share. The book is packed with dialogue, scenery, and action. But none of it sticks the landing. The story Hurwitz wants to tell doesn't have the space it needs to breathe, and what happens is that the comic fills up very quickly, becoming its own worse enemy and failing to leave a lasting impression, or an urgent desire to see how the story will conclude. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    AIPT - David Jan 30, 2013

    If you're coming into this looking for sweet, sweet action you've come to the right place. The action is fluid and concise; it's easy to discern and hits the right notes. Another particular strong suit is the technology. All the gadgets and tech look realistic and interesting. Read Full Review

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