Batwing #11

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Marcus To Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 4, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
6.9Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

BATWING faces off against the deadly Beijing gangster dragon known as LONG! Guest-starring NIGHTWING! BATWINGS armor is equipped with a new array of Bat-gadgets!

  • 9.3
    Entertainment Fuse - Sean Elks Jul 8, 2012

    Far as I'm concerned, this is business as usual for Batwing. Not many of DC's titles have stayed as consistently good as this one has, and Winick has found his winning formula for the book. He has found the balance of portraying Batwing as a member of the Batman family but also as our leading hero of Africa. Meanwhile, To has come in and made himself at home in the series without disrupting the flow of the book. I understand Winick will be leaving Catwoman and writing a creator-owned graphic novel. I hope that has no effect on Batwing, because I want to see him here for the foreseeable future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Jul 4, 2012

    Another fun issue of globe trotting for Batwing, and another issue for Marcus To being awesome. What I've really come to like in these last two issues are the buddy cop pair that is Batwing and Nightwing. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Poet Mase Jul 5, 2012

    This issue isn't the return to form that I was hoping for, but it does manage to re-center the series on Batwing and his unique characteristics. Unfortunately, it takes many pages of clunky setup to get to that point. I didn't dislike this book so much as I find it hard to recommend enthusiastically. I'm looking forward to diving into a new arc of Batwing that distances him from his Gotham acquaintances for a bit; however, it's necessary to endure this month's transition issue first. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jul 4, 2012

    It's redundant, unmemorable, and although it can be slightly entertaining at times I find Batwing to be an uninteresting hero in an uninteresting world that only livens up when other heroes guest-star. It's far from being a must-buy comic.Read more: Read Full Review

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