Birds of Prey #100

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Nicola Scott Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 15, 2006 Critic Reviews: 3
7.0Critic Rating
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It's time to bring in new blood! Who will be asked to join Oracle in her all-new Birds Of Prey? Who will join? Who will refuse? And, most importantly, who will fly the coop for good? Plus, a story following Black Canary and her new role in the DCU!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Nov 23, 2006

    In The End: A new era begins! How often have we as comic readers read or heard that? Well, as clichd as it may be, it also applies here. Gail Simone has kicked off a new epoch for the Birds and a change in format that has a lot of potential. The cover of this book stated that this was a Special Extra Sized Anniversary Issue, and it was indeed special. Gail turned in a tight story that had the usual action, drama and suspense that those of us who like the series have come to expect in addition to a tender, character driven back-up feature. Even with the slight problem I had with Katarina, this was a truly great issue, and it generated a lot of excitement in me for the future of this series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin T. Brown Nov 20, 2006

    Overall, the lead story is a by-the-numbers rescue mission that gives the reader a chance to see how the new team is going to look. The jury is still out as to whether this is the right move or not, but it's promising. I like the addition of Spy Smasher to the book. I especially like Nicola Scott as the artist on this book. That, more than anything else, generated the excitement. This book is on the upswing now, and this issue is a very good jumping on point for new readers. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Nov 16, 2006

    After the initial recruitment scenes, Simone offers up a prison-escape plot that's fun and helps temper the super-hero elements with more of a military feel. There's a palpable intensity to the plan and action that's a lot of fun.Furthermore, I'm intrigued by the new character introduced on the final splash page of the first story. However, the escape plot hinges on a twist that challenges the reader's suspension of disbelief. It requires a hard-to-swallow ruse and the co-operation of a player who's unaware of what's going on and how things are supposed to play out. The focus on the scheme and the action precludes much in the way of character development for the new members of the team. I'd be interested in seeing how the interplay among these new players will work, and I hope Simone finds a way to bring a couple of them down to earth. Read Full Review

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