New York City goes dark as the new Doctor Fate battles the ancient god Anubis to the deathbut gods cant die, can they?
This was such a great arc to read and review, and even though I'm moving on for my retro reviews, I'm in the midst of reading this entire DeMatteis Dr. Fate run and it is fantastic. I highly recommend all of it. Read Full Review
The main complaint I have with "Doctor Fate" #6 is that it goes by too fast. But it goes by beautifully in its execution. Read Full Review
I'm ready to cheer from the rooftops for Doctor Fate as a book and just need that moment where it all ties together perfectly. In the meantime, I'm definitely enjoying having Paul Levitz writing again as I like his approach and his work here with Khalid makes him a character I really want to know more. Similarly, I love the discovery (for me) of Sonny Liew and am excited to see what else he has in store for this work and any other projects. There's a great design sense that keeps the book engaging even when it slows down and I love the way he's incorporating the social media side into the story, making it enjoyable to read instead of a chore or something that feels tacked on or a shortcut. There's so much potential here but it just needs to grab hold and run with it. Read Full Review
This chapter's pacing is awkward at its best, and baffling at its worst. Worse, the uninteresting cliffhanger leaves little reason to come back for another month of this story that feels like it has already gone on too long. Read Full Review
Unfortunately, Paul Levitz's scattered script is entirely flat, bouncing between the helmet, the medical troubles of the lead character's father, and the hodgepodge of Egyptian mythology Read Full Review
To be honest,Doctor Fate has regressed drastically, and it didn't start very high up either. The title character is a cowardly moron who is more interested insaving lives through medical training than saving lives with ancient magic and mystic powers, the supporting cast are all one-note mannequins that get too much screen time, and the villain can't seem to motivate anyone to do anything in spite of the fact that he's flooding literally the entire planet. If you like the art, find pictures online. Otherwise, there's no reason to read this comic. Read Full Review
On the verge of giving up with this. The story just doesnt seem to be getting anywhere.
This issue in particular finished in almost exactly the same situation as it started.
Might give it one more issue and drop it if nothing has moved on.
Shame really because the characters are nicely defined and the art is lovely. But the story needs to start getting somewhere as it's getting really frustrating.