Final Crisis: Legion Of Three Worlds #4

Event\Storyline: Final Crisis Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: George Perez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 29, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 5
5.8Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

A great hero falls and another returns to help Superman and the Legion combat the murderous Superboy-Prime. Meanwhile, the Time Trapper makes his move against the three Legion founders, Polar Boy's bizarre mission comes to an end and Superman makes a shocking discovery about the identity of the Time Trapper!

  • 10
    The Comic Addiction - Derek Bowman Apr 29, 2009

    This issue is a perfect one for fans of the DC Universe, as it really is a complex cosmic story that deals with all sorts of sections of the DC Universe. A lot is going on, and you really end up feeling like you get your moneys worth. And really, anyone angry because of the delays or worried because of the Final Crisis name on the top, it’s good enough that you should get over it and pick this up! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Dan Phillips Apr 29, 2009

    Because it's essentially a direct sequel to Infinite Crisis, many of that series' weak points spill over to this book as well. For starters, Superboy Prime remains an endlessly boring and one-note villain who's far more bearable when he's punching things than when he's spouting painful lines of dialogue. Johns is also a little too reliant on random character deaths that are meant to grant the story weight, but instead feel unnecessary and forced. By the time the issue got around to its earth-shattering reveal, however, I had accepted the series for what it is: a geek-tastic superhero slugfest meant to put a smile on the face of DCU fanboys everywhere. In that regard, the best thing I can say about this issue is that I found myself smiling more often than not while reading through these pages. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan May 4, 2009

    This series is scheduled to end with the next issue (though who knows how many moons it will be until we actually see it on the stands), and if there's one major flaw with "Legion of 3 Worlds" it's that five issues is far too few to tell a story with as many characters as Johns and Perez have included here. It's dangerously close to becoming page after page of Legion wallpaper, even with Perez doing his best to keep our attention focused at just the right moments. But this isn't a comic about the small moments. It's about Polar Boy teaming up with Sun Boy to fend off a maniacal Superboy from a lost dimension. And it's about old friends, returning from a long absence. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 30, 2009

    Final Crisis Legion of Three Worlds #4 was a solid big event story. This issue is absolutely a must read for Superboy fans. If you like Conner Kent then you should run to your nearest comic book shop and pick up this issue. Final Crisis Legion of Three Worlds #4 should also appeal to DCU fans in general. This story has a nice cross-section of the various franchises from across the DCU which should help make this a very popular issue. Plus, the amount of action should make this issue entertaining enough to readers who like a good brawlfest. However, if you are expecting a Legion centric story that focuses on the Legionnaires and pays homage to the Legion's history then I would recommend passing on this issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Charles Webb May 3, 2009

    If you liked this review, be sure to check out more of the authors work at Monster In Your Veins Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks May 3, 2009

    Legion of 3 Worlds is the apotheosis of its very peculiar sort of story. It's pointless to expect anything other than what Perez delivers here. This comic may be the purest expression of George Perez's insanely intense storytelling since the grander moments of the original Crisis. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 3, 2009

    Well... That was... kind of stupid, actually. I'm really bothered by that revelation, presuming it's actually true and all. Either way, this issue is jam-packed with all sorts of revelations, and reminds me more than anything of the first Crisis, where characters we recognized got one panel or word balloon to describe themselves before they were annihilated. I'm not sure what the overall effect of this series is meant to be yet, but right now, it feels like "Teen Titans Resurrection Theatre," and the lack of focus is hurting this book. Sun Boy-1 is back, but there's not explanation of why he felt the death of Sun Boy-3, and there's just far too much going unexplained (Mordru absorbing Kinetix essence, how and why Kryptonite suddenly works on Prime, Dawnstar's sudden change of heart) and a few too many characters that aren't Legion related for my taste. If this has input on Final Crisis (which I doubt) I could see it, but having Sodam and Kid Flash and Kon-El just feels as t Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young May 3, 2009

    Whats most significant, though, is that the identity of the Time Trapper is finally revealed after 50 years & eight and a half months (or revealed again for the nth time as yet another person under the robe)! Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy May 3, 2009

    I am a fucking idiot for continuing to buy this book. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kyle Garret May 3, 2009

    I had high hopes for this series. I actually had high hopes even after the insanity that was the end of the last issue. However, this issue is just so . . . mediocre. I suppose my love of the Legion and of Perezs art blinded me to one simple fact: This is Geoff Johns written event comic, and I should know better by now. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Apr 29, 2009

    Clearly, this issue and series is not aimed at me anymore. I love that Johns has revived Superboy and Kid Flash, but with so many time travel options available to them, they didn't have to be so hamfisted about these resurrections. It's like handwaving of details away so he can have his cake and eat it, too. Read Full Review

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