Flash #233

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Freddie Williams II Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 24, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
5.7Critic Rating
4.0User Rating

The Justice League steps up to take away the Flash's loved ones in the name of the law! "The Wild Wests" part 3. Also in this issue: starting a backup feature picking up from INFINITE CRISIS and revealing the secrets behind the West Family's otherworldly exile!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Oct 25, 2007

    Also featured in this issue is a very nice back-up story starring Jay Garrick. I assume that it is set during the Golden Age and it features Jay Garrick trying to save an alien race from extinction. Its a well told story that compliments the main story in this issue and the artwork is also fantastic. Very nicely done, I would like to see more of this type of thing, so long as it does not hinder the main feature. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Oct 30, 2007

    Flash #233 was a dull read. If it weren't for the fun Jay Garrick back-up story then Flash #233 might have only scored 2 Night Girls out of 10. Waid has thoroughly and totally unimpressed me with his opening story arc on the Flash. I seriously hope that Waid has something better in store for us than what he has given us up to this point. There is no doubt that hard-core Flash fans will enjoy this title. However, I don't think I would recommend the Flash to anyone outside of that loyal fan base. Read Full Review

  • 6.4
    IGN - Kevin Oct 24, 2007

    This issue is also part one of the back-up feature, “The Fast Life”, which is supposed to cover the missing time when the West family disappeared during Infinite Crisis. Part one mostly sets up the alien world and how it relates to the Flash lineage, so we start with Jay Garrick's first contact. Nothing really revolutionary occurs, but the groundwork is lain for what could be a fun story. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    IGN - Dan Phillips Oct 24, 2007

    If there's one real reason to pick up this issue, it's for a fantastic six-page backup written by Waid and John Rogers, with beautiful painted artwork by Dough Braithwaite. The story stars a Golden Age-era Jay Garrick as he attempts to save a peaceful alien race from extinction, and it's an absolute delight from start to finish. Waid and Rogers' characterization of the original Flash is spot on, and Braithwaite's painted work might alone make these entire 22-pages worth the cover price. Judging from the fact that this short is titled " The Fast Life: Part 1 of 4," it looks like Waid, Rogers and hopefully Braithwaite will be back for similar stories. For that alone, I'll be looking forward to future issues. Let's just hope Waid's new "West Family" direction will hit its stride sometime soon. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Oct 24, 2007

    Where's the follow up on the Bart's death? Where's the reactions to his 'back from the grave'? Where's the Flash in this Flash title? Hopefully Waid can turn things around now that this initial alien threat has been dealt with, but with the promise of their return at the end of this issue, I'm not sure if I'll be sticking around on this book. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Ryan Jan 1, 2024

    The completionist in me will probably power through this arc but so far this arc has not been worth any time or money at all

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