Flashpoint: Legion of Doom #2

Event\Storyline: Flashpoint Writer: Adam Glass Artist: Rodney Buchemi Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 20, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
5.3Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

FLASH QUESTION: The villains have mounted a prison break! Now, one lone hero stands in the way. Will Animal Man be able to stop them, or will they have their revenge against Cyborg?

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 30, 2011

    I can't say that this will make me a fan of Heatwave in the long run but I'm liking his quest for revenge here and the way he does think big, both when it comes to taking down those he needs to inside of Doom as well as taking Cyborg down several notches. There's a whole lot of violence in the system here and plenty of people manipulating it all but it proves to be fun as a prison escape routine where the leads really are bad guys and have no compunctions in killing people off. Some of the small twists are great, such as what's really driving Amazo. There' lots of fun little moments like that throughout, especially with the C-list villains that pop up into it, making it an experience that makes you grin and smile. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Josh Dean Jul 23, 2011

    Since the only announced members of the new Squad are Deadshot, King Shark and Harley Quinn, I imagine Glass will give them lots of cool butt-kicking moments. I imagine the new series will be exciting and well plotted. I just hope he can deliver the heart and the brains that Ostrander provided that elevated the entire concept of the Suicide Squad. As a standalone bit of Flashpoint, this is pretty much pure, violent fun. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 21, 2011

    Unfortunately, much of the violence is depicted directly; little unfolds off-panel. Rodney Buchemi's traditional comic art style serves as an ever-present reminder that the kind of visceral violence here just doesn't belong. His artwork is actually clear and effective, and on a different story, I suspect I'd enjoy it a lot more. But with this comic book, after the first instance of gratuitous gore, I dreaded what I'd see next. There's a disconnect between the brutality in the plot and the old-school charm of the line art. There's also a quality in Buchemi's work here that put me in mind of the style of Rags Morales' art. Read Full Review

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